First Egg Countdown

I'm still waiting for my first egg.
My 24 week old Ameracauna laid her first egg!!!! A beautiful medium sized green egg!!. Unfortunately, my dh dropped it and it is cracked so I'm not taking pics, but we are so happy that she made it into adulthood! Her companion BR didn't make it (eggbound, we think).
So that's the timeline...24 weeks? My 2 BR have been laying for about a week, but the Ameracauna isn't showing any signs of being ready. Just give the girl some time, I guess. Until then, we'll enjoy the big brown eggs.
After waiting a whole week, I got my second egg!!!! It is just as perfect as the first one and the EXACT same weight...1.6oz! Talk about consistency!

To be fair, we added a new pullet the day she laid her first egg (she laid it while we were gone picking up the newbie) so I think the stress of a new chicken may have been what delayed that second egg. They just accepted the new girl into the flock about 3 days ago.
Hopefully I don't have to wait another week for the next egg because that was a LONG week!

I still have 3 more girls that need to lay a first egg. The oldest is a 20 week old Cuckoo Marans. Then a 14 week old EE and the new girl, a 13 week old BA. Still got a while to wait for the young ones.
the eggs are starting to come out...
first the austorp..(she's 10 months was brody and had chicks when we got her)
and a double yolker...
the next day my silkie layed...(quite a fair size)
Next day the silkie layed..(can now do no wrong)
third day thought she was going to have another one...
but my bantum layed her first..
very surprised the silkie would be the higher layer compared to the austrolp...oh well hope many more will come...

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