First Egg Countdown

Its some kind of "bloom"...they are perfectly normal to eat some of mine occasionally lay em like that still

Here is my first egg I have no idea who laid it
does anybody know what that white stuff is on top on the egg? It kinda washed off when I put a little water on it.

The white is the bloom the hen puts on the egg. The bloom keeps bacteria from penetrating the egg. If unwashed, you can store them on the counter for up to 2 weeks or in the fridge for several months. Once you wash them, they need to be refrigerated and used within a couple of weeks.

As for who laid it - do you have a sex link? It looks like a sex link egg.

This is my first egg from my 19 week, 2 day Buff Orpington! She is the one looking at the egg in the background. I knew that she was getting ready to lay eggs because last week she started to squat when I approached her. I let my 4 chickens free range in my backyard during the day. She laid this egg yesterday afternoon behind my AC unit! As I am typing this she has been making her rounds back to the same space.....I believe she will be laying another one there. Whenever the other chickens come over to her she gets upset and starts squawking away. I will let you know if I find another egg in the same place! Oh, and by the way I cooked this egg up this morning for breakfast and it was REALLY good!
^^^Isnt' that the truth about how fresh they taste. It's hard to describe any other way. We got our first brown egg today, not sure who it was. Small compared to the white leghorns, but it will get bigger.

The white is the bloom the hen puts on the egg.  The bloom keeps bacteria from penetrating the egg.  If unwashed, you can store them on the counter for up to 2 weeks or in the fridge for several months.  Once you wash them, they need to be refrigerated and used within a couple of weeks.

As for who laid it - do you have a sex link?  It looks like a sex link egg.

Nope it's a mutt (Ameraucana X rode island red)

This is my first egg from my 19 week, 2 day Buff Orpington! She is the one looking at the egg in the background. I knew that she was getting ready to lay eggs because last week she started to squat when I approached her. I let my 4 chickens free range in my backyard during the day. She laid this egg yesterday afternoon behind my AC unit! As I am typing this she has been making her rounds back to the same space.....I believe she will be laying another one there. Whenever the other chickens come over to her she gets upset and starts squawking away. I will let you know if I find another egg in the same place! Oh, and by the way I cooked this egg up this morning for breakfast and it was REALLY good!
Nice egg, congrats!
Here is my first egg from a 21 week old BA next to a large store egg.
Congrats to you too!
How much does a large store bought egg weigh? My husband and father keep telling me my eggs are small but I don't think they are. They are normally running 50g
Any day now I should get my first egg!! Got the nest boxes put up just in time, and the ladies have been investigating those boxes very closely. My 3 red sex links turned 16 weeks last Saturday, so I think I have a couple days yet....but that didn't stop me from making excuses to go check several times this evening, you know, just in case. :)

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