First Egg Countdown

I don't intend to add light. I just wants little flock to be chickens. I'm learning about their needs but mostly I'm enjoying them. If additional light was necessary I'd add it. I'm glad I don't have too. Thanks for the info. I'm excited to get the first egg, but like you, I'm not looking for mass production. I just want happy peeps. Maybe after learning a lot more about all this I might consider raising them to sell eggs. But there's several signs around "yard eggs for sale".
After seeing the picture of the barred rock rooster I am positive I have three barred rock hens. Yay!!! Still no eggs though. I've been thinking about it though, and I've concluded that they should start laying after the next full moon which will be September 19th. Fingers crossed that my theory is right. I have one girl that is waddling now she is so ready, but still no eggs. Any thoughts on my moon theory?
My mood theory is completely wrong!!!!! Somebody laid an egg!!!! My very first egg!!! It's pink and pretty and small and perfect!!! Thank you for the encouragement everyone and listening to my nagging for 3 weeks.
We have gotten 4 eggs this week, still waiting on our smallest lady, Shrimp. Now our babies 9 week old Buff Orpingtons are mimicking the older girls. And our ducks apparently think it's a competition, they r building nest next to the chicken pin and screamin at them to get's a bunch of hormonal teenage girls out there....just crazy
OK, my girls are 21 weeks old now. Any guesses as to how soon they'll start laying, and who will be first?
We have 3 BOs, 4 Australorps, 1 White Brahma, and two buff Brahma bantys.
I wasn't able to get photos of them all.

Three of the Australorps

Our boldest Brahma banty. SUCH a cutie!

This BO has a much larger comb than her sister. Funny, but I'd never noticed that before.

BO two, note the smaller comb.

I don't think the Brahmas are even close to laying yet. They've all got small, pink, combs like the second photo here. But the other girls? Any guesses? How close are we? Who'll lay an egg first?
That first picture of the buff O looks very ready to lay. I'll guess that she'll be first. My buffs laid at 20 weeks. One of the australorps looks more advanced than the other two, as far as red combs, so maybe she's ready, too. I think you're really, really close.

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