First Egg Countdown

Hopefully she will lay in 1-3 days.. I am most excited to see her lay.. She was bothering the other hen while nesting so maybe she was trying to check out the nesting area..
Any idea on when she will start laying? She was molting and I think she's done I'm not sure
I found another egg I think is from another girl. I've collected 4 so far all the same color which I believe came from one hen. She dropped the first one on the ground but has used the nest box ever since. Yesterday I found one in the nest box same color and later I found one on the ground. Slightly darker than the other. So I think I now have 2 laying. Yeah! I think it's my Orpingtons. Their combs and wattles turned red. Now for the RIR. She is the only one left. This is exciting. They are such good girls.
Quote: Your barred EE has a pea comb.

Any idea on when she will start laying? She was molting and I think she's done I'm not sure

She's not done, you can still see she's ratty looking and has bald patches on her neck. Also, her comb is pale and shriveled looking. It's going to be a while before she lays again.
I found another egg I think is from another girl. I've collected 4 so far all the same color which I believe came from one hen. She dropped the first one on the ground but has used the nest box ever since. Yesterday I found one in the nest box same color and later I found one on the ground. Slightly darker than the other. So I think I now have 2 laying. Yeah! I think it's my Orpingtons. Their combs and wattles turned red. Now for the RIR. She is the only one left. This is exciting. They are such good girls.
Anyone know anything about jungle fowl? I have a buff orpington/ red jungle fowl cross that is my last non-layer. My jersey giant just started laying (finally!) this week. My buff mix, Applejack, is very small and slender, and kind of weird. That is her in my picture about a month ago. Any ideas when she may start up? As of right now, she doesn't even go into the submissive stance for me, nor has she shown any interest in the nesting box. Anyone following along in my story, may recall that I also have the two chickens I adopted as older chickens, neither one of which is laying at the present time. The wellsummer is in the middle of a molt, and the lavender orpington is, well, I don't know. She was traumatised by the move, but that was about a month ago now. Anybody have any ideas when she might be over it and start laying real eggs again? So far, I think she is the one that has been laying the soft eggs, of which I have had 3. Thanks for your help!
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Finally!! I started getting eggs this week. 2 one day, 7 the next, 3 today. Mine hatched May 5 1/2 mo. old. First hens laying were my black minorcas, naked necks, and red leghorns. Still waiting for my easter eggers, sussex, and wyandottes :rolleyes: Very first eggs came from the naked necks--not the prettiest, but always my favorites hens.

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