First Egg Countdown

What time of day typically do they lay their eggs ....or is it just whenever it's ready
They can lay anytime of the day. They will usually get a tad later every day, then skip a day, then start up in the morning again. It takes roughly 25 hours to make an egg.

FINALLY, Yesterday i got 2 eggs! And 2 more today! One of my NHR's laid and my White? laid! I knew they were ready but the NH didnt want the Big White? near the coop, (took some time for me to figure this out) the noise was unreal then Big White grabbed ahold of NHs' behind, I realized they were fighting over the coop, the other 4 girls were all upset, so noisy, so i ran and got a dog crate, filled it with nest material and low and behold, Big White liked it and she went and sat inside, NH went in the coop and the other
4 girls took a nice nap under their favorite tree! 1hr and 45min later at 1:50 pm, they laid same time! They sang the egg song and sure enough each one had an egg! I was and remain thrilled! They are very protective of the coop and crate now is this normal? even if I walk near it they come running from afar to remind me to not touch the eggs! Today however, Im not sure who laid, I do know though one of todays eggs came from a RIR whom I did not know was ready!!!! I've waited a very long time and believe I know the rookie mistake i made!!! There was not enough headroom roost to ceiling and i believe they were not growing right as soon as i realized this and lowered the roost, the pelvic bones began to open and within 3-4 weeks well we have eggs!
Yeah she must anytime girl for now ...When I checked today at 12 noon there was none ...I had them out for 2 and half hours then put them back in the coup/run I never let them roam without supervision ...When I came back at 5 to let them again before bed ....There it was ... An Egg was still warm too ...and I can personally tell you white leghorn are not broody at all lol
Does anyone have pictures of their hens faces at the point when they started laying, mine are 18 weeks old and I am not sure how big and red their faces are supposed to get before laying. I have 18 girls that are Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Delawares, Easter Eggers, and Barred Rocks. I haven't gotten any eggs yet so I am very antsy waiting! I keep checking all over their run and coop in case they lay their firsts somewhere random. Some are getting redder than others, one of my reddest girls is an EE but since their comb isn't normal I am not sure how much its supposed to grow, she has checked out the nest boxes a couple times this past week, so maybe soon?
Ok so I got my first two egg not sure if from one hen or two? Two in one day cuz I had. Been checking one rubber one not... The. One reg one the next am early? Then nothing yesterday and nothing so far today? Any ideas it's been a bit warmer out?
Does anyone have pictures of their hens faces at the point when they started laying, mine are 18 weeks old and I am not sure how big and red their faces are supposed to get before laying. I have 18 girls that are Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Delawares, Easter Eggers, and Barred Rocks. I haven't gotten any eggs yet so I am very antsy waiting! I keep checking all over their run and coop in case they lay their firsts somewhere random. Some are getting redder than others, one of my reddest girls is an EE but since their comb isn't normal I am not sure how much its supposed to grow, she has checked out the nest boxes a couple times this past week, so maybe soon?
My Avatar is Dottie, photo was taken 2.5 weeks before she laid her first egg.
she hasn't lay one in the nesting box they have ...but I guess over time she will
Congrats! Mess up the nest in the floor to encourage her to lay elsewhere. She'll find the boxes eventually.

Does anyone have pictures of their hens faces at the point when they started laying, mine are 18 weeks old and I am not sure how big and red their faces are supposed to get before laying. I have 18 girls that are Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Delawares, Easter Eggers, and Barred Rocks. I haven't gotten any eggs yet so I am very antsy waiting! I keep checking all over their run and coop in case they lay their firsts somewhere random. Some are getting redder than others, one of my reddest girls is an EE but since their comb isn't normal I am not sure how much its supposed to grow, she has checked out the nest boxes a couple times this past week, so maybe soon?
Look for redness around the eyes. Red, not pink. This is a welsummer, but it gives you an idea of how red they need to be. This was a couple of weeks before she started laying.

Ok so I got my first two egg not sure if from one hen or two? Two in one day cuz I had. Been checking one rubber one not... The. One reg one the next am early? Then nothing yesterday and nothing so far today? Any ideas it's been a bit warmer out?
Most likely, you have 2 layers. Getting 2 eggs in the same day from 1 pullet is very rare.
Congrats! Mess up the nest in the floor to encourage her to lay elsewhere. She'll find the boxes eventually. Look for redness around the eyes. Red, not pink. This is a welsummer, but it gives you an idea of how red they need to be. This was a couple of weeks before she started laying. Most likely, you have 2 layers. Getting 2 eggs in the same day from 1 pullet is very rare.
Well now none for two days is that normal for when they first start its been awhile since I had my last flock I can't remember? My Seabright has layed every single day since she started unless she lays late the day before so that's all I have to compare too?
Does anyone have pictures of their hens faces at the point when they started laying, mine are 18 weeks old and I am not sure how big and red their faces are supposed to get before laying. I have 18 girls that are Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Delawares, Easter Eggers, and Barred Rocks. I haven't gotten any eggs yet so I am very antsy waiting! I keep checking all over their run and coop in case they lay their firsts somewhere random. Some are getting redder than others, one of my reddest girls is an EE but since their comb isn't normal I am not sure how much its supposed to grow, she has checked out the nest boxes a couple times this past week, so maybe soon?
[/IMG] here's mine that just started laying and stopped? Thought pic may help u tho... There combs didn't get as big as some of the production breeds yet...

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