First Egg Countdown!!

Started getting eggs two weeks ago. Two on that first day (below) I think one was a sussex and the other was an austrolorp.

I'm getting about 4 per day now from my 2 Australorps, 2 Speckled Sussex and 3 Dominiques.

We just our first egg ever yesterday (it's sitting between the quarter and an extra large egg)!  Our golden buff, Spot, laid first, just as I thought she might.  It's a cute one.  Small egg, but perfect in my eyes.  What a good girl!  Now we're on egg watch to see which hen will lay next.  Felt like Christmas morning.

YAY, congratulations! First eggs are so exciting! We just got our first egg this past Monday. Now to see who's the next egg layer.
Got my 1st egg from one of my 16 Spring chickens.... first egg I've ever had with so many light speckles. Perhaps this is from one of the Black Stars.
Congratulations! My 2nd hen just started laying, got our 2nd egg from her tonight. It has speckles too. I'm not sure who it's from. I'm pretty sure a golden Sex

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