First Egg Stories?

I just happened to see it and got very excited and sent pictures to everyone who might (or more likely didn't) remotely care haha.

Today I got 3 eggs for the first time. I didn't even realize one of my hens had started laying until I went inside and compared eggs. Oops. :confused::D
Hey guys, I was thinking back to the time I got my very first egg and how overjoyed I was! I would like to here everybody's stories!

It all started on a beautiful mid-morning stroll past the coop when I saw my Leghorn (ungracefully) fly up to the nesting boxes and duck herself in to the warm dark cozy nesting boxes. I about peed myself then out of excitement.
I checked on her about every 2 1/2 minutes making sure she was "okay" while checking under her. about a half hour later i heard a horrible screech repeatedly which now is now know as the "egg song." I flew to the coop faster than I have ever ran in my life... lying there in the pile of dry straw was a beautiful, puny, heavenly egg. I screamed. I don't know why i did it, but i did. I was so excited I had to let my enthusiasm out some how. I did multiple jigs on the way in to the house, and finally entered in to the house, yelling "MOOOOMMMM!"

I had lots of photoshoots with that teensy egg, sending them to all of my relatives, which now i realized was kind of strange, but hey, who isn't excite about your first egg?!
My husband's cousin (Jay) built my daughter's coop. He did a fabulous job. We all had a painting party when it was finally done. Sadly Jay passed away in a tragic motorcycle accident and it hit all of us so hard. They day of Jay's funeral and burial, my daughter checked the coop. Sure enough the first egg (and a sign we all needed). That evening after services we took the egg to break on the ground at his burial site. That crazy egg would not break after each of us threw it down. So we just cracked it over a stone. Once again a gentle reminder and sign that he continued to joke around with us.
Well we had a pleasant surprise just moments ago ... wife went with me to check some trail cams on the back of the property as we drove by the chicken coop I stopped and told her I had a few min project to take care of . I had my nesting boxes screened off since I built the coop as not to get any bad habits started ( IE: roosting in nesting boxes ) Our birds are just now 16 weeks and while everyone suggested that bigger chicken ( we have Orpingtons , Australorps and silver & gold laced Wyandottes ) were prone to be closer to the 20 week mark a couple of our hens were acting like they maybe thinking about dealing us a surprise ..Well sure enough I went in and started removing the mesh from the nesting boxes and looked down to find our first egg ! Soon as they had free access to the boxes one of our Wyandottes get busy fixing it up . While I was cleaning up my little project found another egg , both in the coop so maybe won't have a problem with them doing their laying in the run ( have a deep litter run full of leaf mulch )

Anyway 16 weeks 4 day first eggs ! both small but good shells and clean !! So far so good

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