What type is she ?
My girls are pekin and pekin x khaki
They have all laid between 4.4-5 months
You are doing the right thing with providing the shells before hand that way when she is ready she will have the calcium built up
She's a Muscovy. I've been told they take longer to mature than Mallard descendants so I am constantly anxious with worry not knowing when it will happen. Also, I don't know if cleaning their house & refluffing the bedding everyday will make her feel it's not safe to lay her egg in there.
Congrats on the eggs!!
Thank you! Kids were super excited! I homeschool and last year brooding the Pekin ducklings was part of their science :). This year a lot of the curriculum is homesteading based. They loved being able to use their ducks eggs to bake a cake, adds an extra level of satisfaction for them. They'll also be learning about what natural herbs stimulate laying and darker yokes as well as immune support, anti-inflammatories and much more.

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