First egg!

Lower right egg is 'supposed to be' an ameraucana. Above it is the one Ethel (her flock-mate) laid. THAT is the right color. I'm kind of disappointed, but kind of happy too, because it's more color variety. I just wish I knew who laid her egg in the run.
Thanks for the pictures, guys. I know now that the first egg was Darcy's, because today, I got my first bantam egg!

Here's Darcy's egg, the bantam egg, and a store egg.

I remember when I got my first egg :) *sigh* It was like yesterday :) It was from my Rhode Island Red, Old Red, at 2:30 pm. I was getting ready to give up on them. *gasps* Then all of a sudden. I hear the egg song!! I ran outside like my life depended on it! *panting* And there she was, all snuggled up with her very first perfect light brown egg :) I was soo proud of her. She's one of the best layer I've ever had. :) And to this very day, she lays perfect light brown eggs at 2:30 sharp! :) I love my Old Red!! :) The End
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Wow! At 2:30? I thought they laid every 26 hours? She's pretty amazing then. My girls just about follow the 26 hours, and then it's too late in the day and they start over after skipping a day.
I'm sorry to have to write this update, guys, but Darcy has passed away. I don't know what happened, but I'm guessing that she had a heart attack. I found her when I got home from school this afternoon.

But thank you all for your kind comments so far.

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