First Egg!


12 Years
Apr 24, 2007
We got our very first egg the other morning. Unfortunately, none of the ladies fessed up to it, so I'm not sure who left me this present. I think they learned that trick from the dogs.


We had to get rid of the rooster - he's gorgeous, but we're not supposed to have them in our area. I'm not sure if the leghorn there is also a rooster or not... It doesn't crow, but his comb is much larger than the other leghorns.

beautiful! & congrats!! we get brown speckled eggs too, and all this time I was attributing them to the barred rocks, but I think I must be wrong, as I don't see any barred rocks in that pic.
Thats wonderful i hope they start laying more for you might want to put a dummy egg out there in something so they will start sitting and laying it always worked for me.........
Congrats on your 1st egg!

I think you have roosters as thy look like mine. I had teo and one crowed long before the other. You may find them starting now that the other is gone.
congrats on your first egg

Also great picture of your buff orpington rooster crowing and cute buff orpington hen looking at the camera.
i just found my first egg from my 1st hatch this year too! it is light brown and i think either one of my Black sex links laid it or one of my rirs laid it because i know it wasnt one of the ees or one of the banties!

oh and do you know what kind of rooster yours was? he looks exacly like mine but mine has a short black tail.
aha! i new it my roo must by buff! is it common for buff orp. roos to have a black tail? or do you think he is half buff half rir? oh and if he is a buff orp. that is great because i have 2 buff orp. pullet chicks in my shop right now!

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