First eggs safe to eat?

The first ones we got were either non-shelled, or was like a water balloon. We didn't eat them, we threw them away, just in case.

Hope this helps!
I wonder why this happens to some chickens first laid eggs? My chicken (the smallest gal of the bunch of 3 I have) just laid her first egg yesterday and got another today.both look perfectly normal hard shell and all just very small compared to the ones you get from the store and very pale almost pink instead of brown...shes a 6mo old BR. :) Im going to cook both up from breakfast tomorrow, mmmm cant wait!!
Some times when a pullet first starts laying the eggs will be very small, and some may have the egg white only, but they are perfectly fine to eat. I got one like that today, and a couple weeks back had one. They are about the size of a loge jawbreaker, but shell, and color are completely normal looking. (Just no yoke!) If they ever start breeding chickens to lay yokeless eggs, they will sell for a fortune.
The little fellow in the middle.
We didn't eat our first two because they were laid outside and I used them as 'examples'. I put them back in the coop in the nest boxes to hopefully 'teach' the girls to lay there. So far as we know only 1 out of 12 is laying yet, just started this week. 4 eggs so far! I am waiting till we get another couple so I can make a batch for the family!!!

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