First eggs!


In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2022
My big girl Luisa laid her first egg today. It was absolutely massive. It ended up being a double yolk. Definitely did not expect her first egg to be so huge. I’m assuming her body is just trying to figure out things since it’s new to laying and her eggs will eventually be normal sized. I am so proud of her 🥲


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My big girl Luisa laid her first egg today. It was absolutely massive. It ended up being a double yolk. Definitely did not expect her first egg to be so huge. I’m assuming her body is just trying to figure out things since it’s new to laying and her eggs will eventually be normal sized. I am so proud of her 🥲
No "Pullet Eggs" first??? Took my first layers A few weeks to build up to the current size of eggs they push out.
Not with her, this was her very first egg. I have a RR who recently started laying and first eggs were itty bitty.
My big girl Luisa laid her first egg today. It was absolutely massive. It ended up being a double yolk. Definitely did not expect her first egg to be so huge. I’m assuming her body is just trying to figure out things since it’s new to laying and her eggs will eventually be normal sized. I am so proud of her 🥲
Congrats to you and Ms. Luisa, @msgrace316.
It's not unusual for there to be a double yoked egg or eggs without yolks when the hens are still trying to get into a routine and getting used to everything. I had one gold sex link hen named Dawn lay about 3 double yoked eggs over the course of a few months and 2 tiny eggs with no yolk. None of my other hens have ever done that! But don't be surprised if you find some wonky eggs the first couple of weeks of them laying eggs.

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