first feathers question


6 Years
Jul 19, 2014
SF bay area CA
I'm confused about chicks getting their chest feathers. Do coturnix chicks feathers change like baby human eyes or something like that
? Cuz some got their chest feathers and its speckled with black so Im thinking that they are all girls and I don't want to jinx it
. Thank you!
Typically if they are pharaoh coturnix then around 3 weeks you can see the speckling on the chests of the females. However some pharaoh coturnix have such diluted genetics that they don't autosex well and in those cases you may see males that have speckled chests but the speckles are typically rust colored not black.

How old are the birds?
Typically if they are pharaoh coturnix then around 3 weeks you can see the speckling on the chests of the females. However some pharaoh coturnix have such diluted genetics that they don't autosex well and in those cases you may see males that have speckled chests but the speckles are typically rust colored not black.

How old are the birds?
2 weeks in two days. They are super cute!!!!!!!!!!
The feathers on the chest tend to grow in from the outside in toward the center. Those outside feathers are speckled, but the males will start to get some rust color toward the center. Some will start to show in about 2 1/2 weeks and by three weeks you can usually tell on the browns. Before that you think you are lucky and got all hens!

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