First Flock!


Apr 25, 2017
Lawrenceburg, KY
I've known I wanted chickens for quite a while. After my husband and I bought our first house we seriously thought about getting a flock, but the property was too small and neighbors too close. Now that we've moved into our second home on 5 acres, the time has finally come! We got our first babies in early April. Our first group of six included a white leghorn, a golden laced wyandotte, two barred rocks, and two cuckoo marans (were told they were easter eggers :he).
Three days later I came home with 8 more! Two buff orpingtons, two salmon faverolles, two easter eggers, and two welsummers. One welsummer and one easter egger ended up passing away but we were allowed replacements from Rural King. I ended up coming back with an extra easter egger just to be sure :fl. So a total of 15 baby chickies! :wee
IMG_6646.JPG IMG_6647.JPG
Now, after a couple months, they've all grown quite a bit! So here are a few updated pictures of the ladies...and fellers (unfortunately).
IMG_6730.jpg Pearl the White Leghorn
IMG_6735.jpg Blanche the Golden Laced Wyandotte
IMG_6753.JPG IMG_6732.jpg Marge (left) and Ebony (right) the Barred Rocks
IMG_6737.JPG IMG_6744.jpg Cleatus (left) and Francis (right) the Cuckoo Marans roos
IMG_6757.jpg Light Buff and Dark Buff the Buff Orpingtons
IMG_6747.jpg Jim Tom one of our mutt turkeys (MottledxSpanishxNarragansett)
IMG_6749.jpg Sue Bob (background) mutt turkey and Cricket one of our easter eggers
IMG_6766.JPG IMG_6768.jpg Penny (left) and Itty Bitty (left) our other EEs
IMG_6758.JPG Rosemary and Thyme the Welsummers (one in back left)
IMG_6774.JPG Peaches and Cream the Salmon Faverolles separated by EEs on roost!

Whew! I sure am looking forward to my colorful egg basket this fall! :love
Thank you, Ol Grey Mare! I had heard of chicken math before I got my own birds but didn't realize it would be this easy!! It has taken over, I tell ya lol DH is probably going to kill me! I'm going to our local chicken swap tomorrow and will probably come home with at least 2 more babies.

DoeAndGander, I'm sure you'll have a great time once you get some! I had researched breeds for a long time before making trips to get them all. We don't have very many Rural Kings in my area but they have a much better selection than TSC, IMO at least around me. We converted an old lean-to shed on our property into a coop with left-over metal siding. It looks pretty pathetic but it is big! I think it is about 8ftx12ft with a 6-8ft tall roof. I'll try to get a pic to add to this thread.

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