First Hatch Due 3/19!! UPDATE: Want some of these Babies?

Well, the hatch is complete.. While moving a small group to the brooder I quickly inspected the other two eggs.. there weren't any pips and they felt "wobbly" so I candled them. The air cells were odd shaped.. no veins and no movement. I decided they were gone and did an eggtopsy. They were dead and looks like they probably died a couple of days ago. The never broke from their membrane into the air cell at all. Everything still contained in the little membrane around the dead chick. I think and 89% hatch rate is pretty darn good for my first hatch

I'm happy with 25 out of 28. Going to get some different/fancy breeds next time ..

Please keep helping me identify the breeds. I know I have some that appear to be red-sex linked.. that would be AWESOME if you can tell me which are male and which are female...
uh huh...
Just you wait!! Come May I'll have Silkies and BLRW's and we will SEE who just wants to look at pictures

See you tomorrow right?? Gotta get working on that coop!!
The leg thing could just be weakness. I would get some chick electrolytes and get some down her right away. That does wonders and it will prevent possible problems with the others. I always start ALL my babies on Electrolytes just for good measure. Good luck!
Thanks for the pics. Great job on the hatching! We had 30 in lockdown and we had 19 hatch. the shrink wrapped one somehow is still hanging on. I have been nursing her/him all day and evening. I have wrapped her in warm facecloth in batchroom with shower running for humidity and warmth. slowly picking away at the membrain and stuck shells. She was really bad, cant believe she is still alive. I couldnt leave her to suffer so I have to try, and I didnt have the courage to put her to rest. Tonight we decided to bring her back in bathroom and dunk her body only in 100 degree water. She looks better by sight, but she still can not move around, I think her leg is messed up. I disposed of the rest of the eggs, and am setting her up in the incubater for the night, will try and get some "save a chick" electrolyte into her, and leave some in a bowl for her. I think its been too long to not be feeding her. On a sad note our first born, perfecty happy spunky one got real sick real quick and died. This one worries me more, as it was so quick from an otherwise healthy chick! The ones my kids cracked open that were left only one was fully developed the other shouldnt have even gone into lockdown. Guess I better candle better! Anyone have any suggestions on my very hurt/sick one let me know.
Good luck with your chicks! ps, one of your chicks looks almost like my golden campine did when she was a chick. Not completly, but close.
Congrats on your very very successful first hatch! Sorry to say that the worry isn't over yet. Some chicks may hatch, but... I have always lost one or two later on, it's just nature's way I'm afraid. Once you see feathers on their backs you are basically out of the woods so to say. The chick that won't get up - feed it hard boiled eggs all mashed up. It might help, I feed all the my chicks only hard boiled eggs for the first few days, gradually mixing in chick crumb. Add non-iron containing vitamin drops to the water too to give them a good start.

And for the poster leaving the chick in the incubator still - take it out and give it a seperate compartment in the brooder. A small plastic transparent box is perfect, so it can see the others, it will help it perk up if it is going to, but a shrink wrapped chick will be deydrated, syringe water into it's beak if you have to to make it drink.
Thanks!! I have all if the chicks on electrolytes and jeep taking this one to the water several times a day. It's odd because it IS getting around just wobbly and by scooting instead of walking. I'll try to get video of it for you. I will hard boil a couple of eggsnow. I have seen it eating but like I said, it gets around ok with the "wobble"
I'll try a different compartment for it. I just worry others would pile in.
That black one with the white face with a sort of "V" on it's forehead looks like an Ancona. And the white one with the black feet and five toes could have some silkie in it. Those are some BEAUTIFUL babies.

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