First hatch! Mystery eggs!

Thanks for following along! Here's the one who knocked the chunk out of its shell:

It's one of the ones from my own hens. Right now he's stumbling around, cheeping at the others to hurry up, knocking eggs over left and right.
Glad to see you had good luck i attempted my first hatch like 2/3 week's ago. in a old incabator i had give to me egg's at the same time as well. got mine adjusted. went to bed woke up to 107. got it down. happened 2 more time's and killed em befor they got a chance :( . guess i will try to make a home made one as i am guessing the wafle is bad in mine. hope ya the best. should be interesting to see.
Okay guys, I can't stand it anymore tonight, so I'm going to go lay down for a couple of hours. I'll post new pictures in the morning!
is it morning yet?! How exciting! i cant wait to see more of your chicks. Very nice thread! congrats on the chick too!
I woke up a few minutes before 6, just in time to watch the third chick hatch! This on came from one of the white eggs. Another of the brown mystery eggs is zipped, and at least two more have pipped.
The one that had zipped has hatched. My internet's acting up right now, bu I'll get a pic up when I can.
I'm up to five chicks, but the last two are iffy to make it - one hadn't absorbed all the yolk yet, and the other has something weird going on with its abdomen, I'm not sure what. It looks kind of like a belly button stump on a baby. Anybody ever had that, and have any wisdom to share?
Woah! Just had another one go from half-zipped to out of the shell in the time it took me to fix a glass of sweet tea and type that last message! The little guy seems to be resting comfortably.

Problem: the one that didn't absorb all the yolk? It looks like the yolk ruptured when it was trying to leave the shell, and there's some yolk still in the shell. Does the little fella still have a chance? What should I do?
If I were you, I'd post in emergencies, you might get an answer quicker there! I've heard of people wrapping the chick with the shell/un-absorbed yolk together in a moist washcloth in the incubator to help it absorb the yolk and keep it moist, but I've never hatched before so I don't know if it'll work

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