First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Duluth really sorry to hear about Bert.He will be missed for sure. One of my big black meatie hens died on the same day -due to the heat I think. It's been 40 degrees here and so hard for them.
Jessica it sounds like you did a great job taking the (madame) bull by the horns. Bring it on!
I have 10 large Mistral gris meat birds nearly ready for processing and 10 more in the production line. I wish they weren't so darn cute - they are active and curious and foraging and the roos are starting to make their foghorn/ being strangled noises.
Holmes I guess your geese and ducklings are huge now! How's the honking going
I have 4 broody turkey hens and 5 broody chickens. The place is littered with bodies hunched protectively over golf balls or turkey eggs. Turkey due date is July 8th if any make it.
Ok,question time. In my order which is comprised of white giants, white plymouth rocks, and dark cornish will also be 6 jumbo cx hens. What typeof feeding regime should i put the cx on to try and get them to breeding stage? Should I seperate them? There will be a total of 30 chicks. They get here on the week of the 6th july.
anyone? Im starting a much larger brooder today. It would be real easy to seperate the meatballs.
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I don't have that many. But I have always kept mine altogether. I feed them all the same and always have. I feed them 3 oz (per bird) of 16% layer feed. Every morning. Then again at night. And let them free range from 6am til dark. They are 13 weeks old, the CXs are healthy and only weigh about 6 lbs. The others are smaller of course but healthy and don't seem to have suffered on the limited feeding regimnt. I do give them a frozen corn or pea treat on hot afternoons. 1 per bird but that's only about a tbsp of corn and 2 oz of ice. I am hoping mine make it to breading age too. how old is that anyway. I hope this helps a little. I'm new to all this. And didn't intentionally get CXs. And didn't know that's what they were until they got a few weeks old.
[/IMG]here's a recent pic
Today it is 108 degrees. I'm worried about my chickens. I have a mister fan set up in their yard, but most the chickens avoid it because they don't like getting wet. Other than putting frozen jugs of water in their coop, there not much I can do.
TT first off I want to smack u lol jkjk. Only cuz I am jealous its only 40 degrees there. And my geese and ducks aren't honking or quacking. But the geese r as big as the pekins!! And they were hatched on May 16th. But 2 Muscovys r Lilac and 2 r chocolates. All r boys but one lilac. So I am going to keep her and a chocolate. Everyone is growing slow since they r on a no feed diet other than the little they get from what the cows spill. So all is well. I do have a red sexlink I hatched that is all alone from the hatch but I gave her a pullet I hatched in april.

Hope all is well with everyone!!
Today it is 108 degrees.  I'm worried about my chickens.  I have a mister fan set up in their yard, but most the chickens avoid it because they don't like getting wet.   Other than putting frozen jugs of water in their coop, there not much I can do.
we went threw a week of that kind of temps. I gave all mine a cool bath in a baby pool one day and have been icing down their water multiple times a day. I also fed them frozen corn treats. Just a can of corn or peas spread out evenly in a muffin tin and add just enough water to cover the veggies and freeze. Mine love it. I have also just gone out and gave them a bag of frozen veggies before. I don't have a mister but I put frozen water jugs in front of a regular box fan in their run. They don't get wet that way. Mine must be weird though. When it rained for the first time in over a week they stayed out in the rain until it started storming. I think they liked the rain as long as it was just a light shower. I hope that helps a little
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I found 3 stone eggs and put 1 in each of their nest boxes. This is Pixie getting curious. She's my CX that seems to think I'm her best friend. She sits in my lap a lot and is always the first to great me when I come home. She follows me around a lot of the day when I'm out side. Do you think she'll get the hint. By the way at how many weeks will a CX start to lay if they make it that far?
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