First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Woohoo! I got my babies today and so far a success! I chose to pick up at the hatchery because it was less than an hour away. If I had them shipped, due to where I am located, they would have been shipped an hour north to the USPS plant and then back south to me 3 hours away. Just too much stress if you ask me! This is in the car on the way home. 30 plus our special 1 extra for good measure = 31 babies. (We are excited for the 1 extra because we wanted to star 25 but ordered 30 for good measure). :lol: So, we got home, took each chick out one at a time and dipped their beaks in the water before setting them down. It was really neat how they seemed to just all of a sudden react and take a drink. You could feel their little bodies respond and they got it! This is after everyone was dunked and a few minutes of shaking the newness off. They found the food and explored the brooder with no problems. After a few days we will move the waterer over near the back right corner of the brooder where you can see the orange bucket with the nipples to transition them to that watering system if they don't find it on their own. We weighed 4 of the chicks randomly and they weighed 1.4 oz, 1.5 oz and two weighed 1.7 oz. They were born yesterday and are one day old. We plan to do a weekly weigh in of 4 random chicks. This was a straight run batch and we can see lots of tiny little combs on many of the chicks. We hope that will make things easier in 8 weeks because it is really hard to believe these little cuties are raised for the table at this point.
Have you read about sex identification by VENT direction. Horizontal or vertically
Have you read about sex identification by VENT direction. Horizontal or vertically

You can check there sex by vent. You need help though. Some one to hold the bird then gently push on the sides of the vent. If it female when the inside of the vent pushes out everything will look the same inside . On a male a tiny little penis will appear as you press on the vent. It's very hard to see and can be missed. So inspect closely. I used a magnifying glass.
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Well I think the deal on the Welsummers fell through.

#1 They wanted me to ship the birds. NO

#2 They were going to mail a check. NO

#3 the way they word things I think it was a scam.

I'm really disappointed
I have put them on craigslist. Hoping I find someone. But it hasnt even put on there for 1 day.
I have a question this was our first year with meat chickens and we had the processed professionally. However we did not get our birds back.thats a long story the processor is trying to fix the problem. Anyway has anyone here ever tattooed a meat bird? We usually smoke ours and they are not for sale. So i was thinking i could put a letter tattoo on their backs at a day or two old? I realize this may offend some people I apologize. But we invested a lot and plan On doing again next year. Hopefully by year 3 we will be able to avoid using outside processing at all.

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