First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!


Why did you have to mention all of that?

That is a fear of mine, I am afraid I am going to catch an STD from something I buy in a store that comes from someone working in the food area, like baker, butcher, packager or someone. Then goes to the bathroom. deals with personal issues and either does not wash or runs cold water over his/her fingers for 3 seconds and considers them clean! Oh Gross!

If I ever get an STD I want to get it the old fashioned way not from a contaminated piece of chicken!
more likely to get a non STD that way, sorry to tell you that....
In one of the wards in a hospital I used to work in (trained as a registered nurse) in the UK there was a poem scratched onto the staff washroom. "It's no good standing on the seat, the bugs in here can jump 10 feet"
Of course there was also one that said 'I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy'. Figures it was a neuro intensive care ward.....
At my age a stray germ would kill me instead of building my resistance!

Gloves are the only thing between me and a painful slow death from germs!
At your age Ralph, you have most likely built immunities to any germ that could show up on your hand while putting away your dishes. Besides most things to worry about don't actually live on surfaces very long. They have to have the proper environment like mucous membranes. So you are actually safer touching your clean dishes than you will ever be touching your own eye, nose, or mouth.
So for our first run of Cornish cross:
We bought 30 chicks 2ish weeks old at rural King $0.99 each
We lost one somewhere along the way (after we put them outside so who knows what happened to it)
We kept 3 for breeding 1 male, 2 we thought were female but we are starting to wonder about one of them.
We sent 26 to butcher $2.10-2.50 per bird. The difference was bagged vs unbagged.
I have no idea how much they ate because they were in with our layers.
They didn't weigh them so I have no idea of the weights, but they look around grocery store size, maybe slightly smaller. The breasts were smaller than grocery store. Legs were bigger. I think.
We raised them around 3 months I think.
We have 10 whole chickens, 2 gallon bags of bones/skin/meat to small to be worth cutting off, 2qt bags of boneless skinless pieces, 1qt bag of wings, 2 gallon bags legs and thighs, 2 gallon bags of cooked deboned meat that I'm debating whether we will eat or give to the chickens, 1 qt bag of cooked meat from the chicken with the wired yellow tenderloins, various bags of organ meat, I think that's it but there may be more, in the freezer.
We already have the second batch of meat chicks, got 30 straight run from the feed store, $1.30 each, got as day olds, they are about 1.5 weeks old now.
I am glad we have lots of meat. And it is yummy. But I was hoping for the chickens to be bigger. I thought raising them to 3 months would at least get them bigger than the grocery store. But I was really hoping for the 8-10+ lb ones I have read about. How do I get that raising them free range? We fed them twice a day, in the morning and at bedtime about 1.5 gallons of fermented feed or dry feed whichever we had. They were active and healthy.
Next year I definitely want to start in the spring not in the middle of the summer.
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At your age Ralph, you have most likely built immunities to any germ that could show up on your hand while putting away your dishes. Besides most things to worry about don't actually live on surfaces very long. They have to have the proper environment like mucous membranes. So you are actually safer touching your clean dishes than you will ever be touching your own eye, nose, or mouth.

Nope, I am so perfect any germ trying to live in my Mucus dies of boredom!
So for our first run of Cornish cross:
We bought 30 chicks 2ish weeks old at rural King $0.99 each
We lost one somewhere along the way (after we put them outside so who knows what happened to it)
We kept 3 for breeding 1 male, 2 we thought were female but we are starting to wonder about one of them.
We sent 26 to butcher $2.10-2.50 per bird. The difference was bagged vs unbagged.
I have no idea how much they ate because they were in with our layers.
They didn't weigh them so I have no idea of the weights, but they look around grocery store size, maybe slightly smaller. The breasts were smaller than grocery store. Legs were bigger. I think.
We raised them around 3 months I think.
We have 10 whole chickens, 2 gallon bags of bones/skin/meat to small to be worth cutting off, 2qt bags of boneless skinless pieces, 1qt bag of wings, 2 gallon bags legs and thighs, 2 gallon bags of cooked deboned meat that I'm debating whether we will eat or give to the chickens, 1 qt bag of cooked meat from the chicken with the wired yellow tenderloins, various bags of organ meat, I think that's it but there may be more, in the freezer.
We already have the second batch of meat chicks, got 30 straight run from the feed store, $1.30 each, got as day olds, they are about 1.5 weeks old now.
I am glad we have lots of meat. And it is yummy. But I was hoping for the chickens to be bigger. I thought raising them to 3 months would at least get them bigger than the grocery store. But I was really hoping for the 8-10+ lb ones I have read about. How do I get that raising them free range? We fed them twice a day, in the morning and at bedtime about 1.5 gallons of fermented feed or dry feed whichever we had. They were active and healthy.
Next year I definitely want to start in the spring not in the middle of the summer.

Mine are huge now, they have a little over 3 weeks to go. I am now starting to push feed to them. I give them grower mash in the evening, still about enough for them to all fill up and stop eating. Then they sit for 12 hours with no food. In the morning when I let them out, They get corn, boos and mash, in 2 piles. However, some of the birds are so use to free ranging they ignore the piles, other dig it.

I do not think I will get over a 12 pounder this batch. The last 2-3 weeks of extreme heat have hurt me. They just sit around during that. I throw some corn and BOSS in the area they free range, but they really ignore it to chase bugs.

All of my birds will be larger than store bought at this point,
Mine are huge now, they have a little over 3 weeks to go. I am now starting to push feed to them.   I give them grower  mash in the evening, still about enough for them to all fill up and stop eating. Then they sit for 12 hours with no food. In the morning when I let them out,  They get corn, boos and mash, in 2 piles.  However, some of the birds are so use to free ranging they ignore the piles, other dig it.

I do not think I will get over a 12 pounder this batch. The last 2-3 weeks of extreme heat have hurt me. They just sit around during that.  I throw some corn and BOSS in the area they free range, but they really ignore it to chase bugs.

All of my birds will be larger than store bought at this point,

How old are yours?

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