First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

I let me 2 week old meaties outside for their first time today. This group is a really lively batch, racing and flying around everywhere. It took me about 20 minutes to corral the last couple of birds into the coop tonight. They are from Jenx and my order of 30 was around 69 dollars including shipping. 32 arrived and I lost one in the first couple of days, but the remaining 31 look great. One of these times I'm going to get a 100% survival rate.

Sorry about the outbreak of cocci. Jessica, but I'm glad you caught it early.
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So much has happened while I was away! Brush off my stool, if I have one somewhere. If not, I prop up walls really well. I have been having the trip of my dreams up in Alaska. It was cold, and raining, and it was still amazing. We tried deep sea fishing and the DH and I brought home 26 pounds of fish for the winter. Halibut and cod, yum yum! Hiking, and biking and wildlife viewing were also highlights. I saw one 'fresh eggs, $5.00 sign, so on a sample size of one Jessica, eggs are 5 dollars a dozen in Alaska. I saw no coops, and no chickens running about. I missed my girls, who were very spoiled by the birdy-sitters while we were gone.

Everyone's birds are looking good, (JR - sorry to hear about everything and may the new guard geese & fence keep all at bay) and make me very jealous that I can't start until next spring. This fall I need to build a far sturdier house for the layers, that will include an area for outdoor brooding so I can brood the meaties this spring, along with a few more layers. I'll build the tractor for the meaties in spring. For those who have layers, or a pen with a brooder area in it, I'd love to see some pictures, to get ideas. Remember, this has to survive a Wisconsin winter. I am strongly considering building a Woods style open air coop....but not sure I have the energy to do that before the Hard Cold sets in. We'll see.

Duck hunting season has begun. I live <1 mile from the Missisippi river, all morning it is 'pop, pop, pop'. I wonder if they are getting that many ducks, or just really bad shots....

Also, this is my first year with Chickens that are of the age to molt, but so far, I have seen very little molting. Is this normal, have we not gotten to 'molting season' yet? Seems like it's going to be darned cold soon...
My cx broilers arrived from mt healthy today. 1 looks like it's not going to make it :( but not bad for shipped chicks :)

So, I have been missing in action!  This is my busiest time of year already and then I added hundreds of chickens to it!  Then my hard drive crashed and I had to replace my computer.  Then many of my print customers decided they needed stuff.  So I am now back with you all with some exciting news.

Ralph:  Bert Jr is amazing!!

My chicks are growing so fast!  Unfortunately, I had a coccidosis outbreak and lost a few but was quick enough at identifying the problem and medication was on board that it wasn't as bad as it could have been.  We have all of the components to build their chicken tractor and hubby just needs to get it built.  Within a month or so we should have it built and be ready to move them to pasture.

My oldest batch are about to be sold off as they are not laying well anymore.  I posted a craig's ad and got 4 responses so quick and I wasn't even quite ready to pack them off yet.  I was shocked at the response!!  So send off is in the works.

So as soon as the pullets move off to pasture we will replace them with our first batch of ducks!  I know this makes Ralphie cringe but I have a market for duck eggs that pays better than chicken eggs!  I have to do what I have to do.

Nash: Your ducks are lovely.
Double Kindness:  You are adorable and so are your ducks. We will be getting khaki campbells and some runners in our batch.

my lodger has/had 200 laying ducks and she had more demand than she could handle. So I think you're onto a good thing there for sure!
I already have a huge demand. Now to get to work at building to fill those orders. In my area ducks eggs are a specialty. People that love them, love them! People that are weirded out by them are weirded out! I believe I can turn that around and make them a great seller! I currently sell out now of the small amounts that I sell. I'm hoping that having a much bigger group of ducks laying those lovely eggs sells as well!
my lodger has/had 200 laying ducks and she had more demand than she could handle. So I think you're onto a good thing there for sure!

I so miss having meaties!! If you have meaties please share all of your stories, questions, pics...anything! I miss Sunny!
I hatched one asil,had to help it out of the egg. One other failed to pip and I waited to long to help. Had an issue with humidity. Now I'm waiting on 8 barred rocks and one Oshamo. They will all join the genitc mix of my broiler flock. Also just ordered 6 blue Jersey Giant Hatching eggs. The White ones are lonely. My wife is going to kill
Hay yall. Sorry it's been a wile. Is there a stool for me around cuz boy I need it.

Well how is Fall treating everyone., I woke up to drastic difference in the temps here. 58 with a cold rain. So far October has been constant rain. And the Super Tide has caused a lot of coastal flooding. The tide came up in my yard 8 feet the last 3 days. It's never been that high before. They say it's because of the recent Blood Moon. But because we are getting so much rain pumping in from the Hurricane in the Atlantic we never got to see it.

Nash I'm sorry to here of your tragic loss. Did you ever find outwhat got your flock. They put the surviving dog down that got mine. He was apparently very aggressive with the animal control staff and bit someone while in quarantine.

Ralph Bert Jr. Is gorgeous. I love all the color on him. I miss my babies so much. I have felt very empty since their demise. I will have to get threw the winter on y'alls experiences. Then in early spring I can start again. We are building an aviary in the back yard this winter that will be 100x100 ft squar. And about 8 ft tall. With electric fencing around that. That way they can have plenty of room to roam But not be so accessible to attack. That should be enough ranging room for about 35.(25 CX and 10 laying hens). Do y'all think that will be enough room. I can't take the Risk and free range the way we did before.

Jessica I am so happy to hear about your business success. Duck eggs are in high demand here as well and I love them. But Dh agrees with Ralph and has band all water fowl from the yard.

DK I love the pics. Your Duckling is adorable.

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