First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Was just outside looking for more eggs to add to the incubator. Still to early in the day. I'm really liking the way my Cx are looking. When i was letting them have the higher protein feed they were getting wider than they were tall. Now,they are gaining some height. Their bodies have slimmed down and they are more active. All in all they look to be more comfortable and healthier.
I've had squirrel setting in the back of the truck for 5 hrs after being shot 2hr before the truck. Cleaned and ate them. As long as you don't hit the guts during cleaning you be fine.
Been hunting squirrel for 8yrs now. It'll be ok.

I been hunting squirrels for 55 years now, I am not so sure......With age comes wisdom...Look how wise JR is...

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