First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

I have no idea what strain I get from Hoover. I know they get the eggs from somewhere in Arkansas.

I am interested in your slow grow JR. I might go for them next time around. I am trying to keep my toads going for now, I think they should be close to your slow grows.

I think I have 5 of them now! Bert Jr finally figured out his job. I am limiting their feed now.

Do you limit feed on the slow grows, or are you simply feeding the fermented feed so they puke it all back up because of acid reflux disease?
It bothers me to no end knowing that some of you are unable to have livestock. I'm in the camp that believes it's imperative to be able to sustain your family(and friends)in the event that the system we have now breaks down.Most people do not have a clue what it takes to survive.
boy is that the truth... they make sure we are dependant on them.
I got 6 chicks free from a guy who didn't know he couldn't have any in town... he had 72 hrs to get rid of them or $150 per chick per day fine.

neighbors call poultry police when he started building the coop....
I am not suppose to have my roosters or turkeys, I have almost 10 acres
.. But my 3 neighbors said haven't heard them over the interstate noise or the coyote/coywolves/coydogs.. I bet they do not care what I have so long as I plow their drives in the winter LOL
boy is that the truth... they make sure we are dependant on them.
I got 6 chicks free from a guy who didn't know he couldn't have any in town... he had 72 hrs to get rid of them or $150 per chick per day fine.

neighbors call poultry police when he started building the coop....
I am not suppose to have my roosters or turkeys, I have almost 10 acres
.. But my 3 neighbors said haven't heard them over the interstate noise or the coyote/coywolves/coydogs.. I bet they do not care what I have so long as I plow their drives in the winter LOL

All of which are reasons I do not live in town...

That and the fact neighbors dislike me and my passive aggressive ways almost as much as they dislike JR's Gator farm.
I've already culled more than a few breeds from the experiment.Right now I've got two incubators with Saipan Roosters over the slow grow broilers,barred rocks,silver dorking,Jersey Giant and even an easter If I DON'T like the results the Saipan will be placed in separate breeding pens and I will try a different breed of rooster. Most likely a SOP Dark Cornish
(Because I like them :)

I have 22 eggs in the bator right now on day 12, and everything is looking good development wise. 18 are heritage barred rocks (for future breeding experiments) and 4 are gold sex link/ Rhode island red crosses just because I'm curious. 1st batch of CX are at 8 weeks tomorrow, so I'll probably slaughter some of them this weekend. Nadya's shrink bags just came in the mail today, just in time!
Just set up an irrigation system on the back half acre, planning on making that a chicken forage area. Planted sunflowers, red clover, alfalfa, buckwheat, and flax. Once this is growing (and I finish fencing that area), will start them foraging, and hopefully cut down the feed bill!
I have 22 eggs in the bator right now on day 12, and everything is looking good development wise. 18 are heritage barred rocks (for future breeding experiments) and 4 are gold sex link/ Rhode island red crosses just because I'm curious. 1st batch of CX are at 8 weeks tomorrow, so I'll probably slaughter some of them this weekend. Nadya's shrink bags just came in the mail today, just in time!
The barred rocks I processed had the best body type outside of the broilers.
I have 22 eggs in the bator right now on day 12, and everything is looking good development wise. 18 are heritage barred rocks (for future breeding experiments) and 4 are gold sex link/ Rhode island red crosses just because I'm curious. 1st batch of CX are at 8 weeks tomorrow, so I'll probably slaughter some of them this weekend. Nadya's shrink bags just came in the mail today, just in time!
The barred rocks I processed had the best body type outside of the broilers.

I'm thinking of some JG/barred rock crosses, and maybe some JG/CX crosses.
I'm thinking of some JG/barred rock crosses, and maybe some JG/CX crosses.

I thought we had some odd ideas...:lau

Well, I'm thinking a JG/CX cross may grow to size faster than a purebred JG, and maybe bigger, too? Both breeds are heavy framed, but the pure JG takes too long.
I already have an (accidental) JG/BR rooster (with speckled legs!), and I'm wondering what a JG that is homozygous for barring would look like. Inquiring minds want to know!
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