First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Dave I'm convinced that you have access to higher quality birds than we do.

I like the shape on that waterer too! I have thought something like that would be nice for broodies and their young, but have never seen one like that!

BTW JR are you the one putting up the " Safe to cross here" signs on the rivers down there? They seem to all be near abandoned " gator free, safe swimming area" signs.
Ralp if you are breeding your birds back to one another,I beleive that after 6 generations you have a 98% pure bird. I may be incorrect but they should breed true in another couple of generations if you've been line breeding
I thought just the opposite on the water jug. Here it would sink in the mud.And the more area with water the easier it is for a chick to get into and drown. I lost one the other day like that.:( Seems to be a good desin for waterfowl though
We are under flood alerts for the third day in a row.

It would have to rain here in biblical proportions before anything other than our stock ponds and tanks would over-flow. In fact it has rained here to the point that we only had a three day period to get hay cut and put up before it started again.

There are many advantages to living in a high mountain valley but we have our foibles too.


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Dave I'm convinced that you have access to higher quality birds than we do.

I don't know about that JR, we only really have Cornish X (which we call Ross Cobbs) or Red Rangers (which we call Hubbards & Sasso Farm Rangers) and even then if you're not buying hundreds of them the suppliers don't want to know.
Luckily I know a guy that imports these slow grow eggs and a few other specialist types from France so I'm getting them while I can, as he will be retiring soon and then I'm stuck !!
This is the 3rd year I've had them and these look about the best yet, so will be keeping a few for breeding.
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I like the shape on that waterer too!   I have thought something like that would be nice for broodies and their young, but have never seen one like that!

--They moved onto that drinker when they were about 3 weeks.
This is what I use for my chicks



This is a broody I'm using to rear my Buff Rock chicks.
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