First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

my first introduction to the horrors of factory farming as a child was of an 18 wheeler full of crates stuffed to the gills with chickens, stacked 15 high. one of the straps broke and lots of chickens were on the road. when my father and i drove by there was a big pile of chicken legs and a driver madly cutting off the legs and stuffing the chickens alive, back into the remaining crates. the chickens, having spent their lives in such cramped quarters that they were unable to walk. I swore that if I had anything to do with chickens, that I'd find a better way.
Some of my Buff Plymouth Rocks
4 weeks and averaging 315g (a bit puny compared to my meatballs)
Not sure what they going to bring to my meat project, but I like buff birds.
I'm hoping they have a strong statue, but we will see.


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