First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Day #39, average weight 5.3 lbs.

Thanks. They're starting to get fat and lazy...much like myself!

Give them more room, move the feed and the water as far apart as you can. Also if you can give them some free range space/time. My birds will follow my wife or I anywhere. Take them for a walk. I know it sounds stupid, but if you make them walk a couple hundred yards a day they will do better.
Give them more room, move the feed and the water as far apart as you can. Also if you can give them some free range space/time.  My birds will follow my wife or I anywhere. Take them for a walk.  I know it sounds stupid, but if you make them walk a couple hundred yards a day they will do better.

They're in a tractor but I do let them out at least once a day. I'll make them move more. What about cutting back on feed so they'll graze more when I let them out?

We had to process one early at six weeks. She had gotten pecked and was starting to get bullied. Dressed out at 4.68 lbs.

I would have taken out the bully instead of the victim. I have a Yokohama cockerel that was a bully. He is way to small to eat, but I moved him into the Guinea Gulag. He is no longer a bully. He is waiting for the Nice Asian lady to make a trip out with her plastic lined trunk to haul him away. Once the instigated was gone the pen became calm again.

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