First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

I realize the grass will be gone. I do not intend to process my Birds. We don't really do many activities, just swimming. But we use the right side of the pool from run up diving. I will not be using cx, will be using slower growing not as large. Will only raise 2, but I am having accommodations for 4 because I will probably get 2 more next year. I am getting an 8"x8", BTW, there is a nice space behind the bushes and the bushes are a sort of wall so I might be able to keep them ranging there.
Sorry, my Animal Control radar keeps popping up.
Are you zoned for livestock?
Are you just allowed to keep chickens in a coop?
I would find out the answers before you invest in your dream.
CX are not really pet type chickens. They will make you give them snacks, they will beg like dogs.
They are bred to have insatiable appetites.
These are my newbies at 22 weeks of age. They were someone's pets. For size comparison they were quarantined in my livestock trailer in a 6' X 6' area.

If you want pets get silkies.
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Or Cochin bantams make great pets! I have some and they are by far the cutest birds I have so far. Lots of fluff!
Dave,I hope your maran cross doesn't look like MINE

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