First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

So I will be keeping an Orpington and Cochin for eggs in an 8' x 8' coop and let them range behind the bushes. That tree in the left corner is a loquat, and I think my chickens would love the fallen fruit. I only have 3 people to supply with eggs plus we don't eat them every morning. I think I'm considering putting the coop in front of the brick square area and using some chicken wire to create a path to the back of the bushes. Also these areas have the most bugs which they will love. I am extremely determined to get chickens and it would break my heart to not be able to. With my extra coop space, what 2 chicken breeds should I get next year?
So I will be keeping an Orpington and Cochin for eggs in an 8' x 8' coop and let them range behind the bushes. That tree in the left corner is a loquat, and I think my chickens would love the fallen fruit. I only have 3 people to supply with eggs plus we don't eat them every morning. I think I'm considering putting the coop in front of the brick square area and using some chicken wire to create a path to the back of the bushes. Also these areas have the most bugs which they will love. I am extremely determined to get chickens and it would break my heart to not be able to. With my extra coop space, what 2 chicken breeds should I get next year?
I sold my orphingtons because they were the last to start laying and the first to quit ... laid about 3 eggs a week each... but they are a very popular bird
The ISA browns (sexlink) each lay 6 eggs a week all through winter. BUT they only lay like that for a couple of years And they are prone to health problems.
Molpet I am surprised to hear your Orps were like that. My hatchery Orps were the first to start laying for me (21 weeks) and 3 years later still laying like champs. Where did you get yours from?
I'm thinking 2 broilers 2 layers at a time, but this year only 1 each. My selection is:
1x White Leghorn
1x Rhode Island Red male x White Rock male
1x Cornish Cross
1x Red Slow Grow Broiler or Mixed Slow Grow Broiler

Should I choose mixed or Red Slow Grow Broilers?
Which pair should I choose this year?

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