First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

So super excited. One of our Bard rock girls laid her first egg. I don't know which one but they all got berries as treats after we found it. She had laid it in the feed bucket because the top had gotten knocked off. Silly girls.
Congratulations! I can hardly wait to get my first egg, but my chicks are so fun to be around, it's worth the wait!
I have had a very busy couple of weeks! Started with 15 , 5 each of Delaware, Australorps, and Welsummers. I now have 13...sad about the loss of the 2 and unfortunately my favorite, sweet little Welsummers but I guess that is pretty good for first timer.

LOVE the Wesummers soft caramel coloring,striped wings and "eyeliner" :)

The Delaware (yellow) chicks were the first to fly to edge of box after a few flew 12 inches when I first put it into the brooder box! So glad they got to move to the big coop at 8 days. They were quickly outgrowing this box!!

Such a poser!
I got my first egg on June first, now from 20 pullets (and at least one isn't laying) I got 90 eggs last week!!! At this point, even the dogs are enjoying daily egg breakfasts. :)

One of my golden buff girls has been consistently broody since she started laying. Since it has been two months, I think I may see if the farm store got any new chicks in this week and try stuffing a few under her since she's so determined to be a mommy. If she doesn't accept them, I still have a batch in the brooder they can join.
Well, I'm terribly late to the party...y'all are already getting eggs and I'm over here with fluffy and sometimes still pasty butted babies
Well, I'm terribly late to the party...y'all are already getting eggs and I'm over here with fluffy and sometimes still pasty butted babies :lol:

I made sure to get my primary egg-layers in January so they'd start providing breakfast ASAP! The fancy breeds I added later. Still have some in the brooder myself...mostly some replacements for an awful predator attack.
Well, our Orpingtons are 20 weeks old and our Silkies are 16 weeks old. No more tiny babies

The Silkies are finally kind of figuring out how to be outside (they're afraid to be out of the pen). They're getting along decently with the Orpingtons. Our keeper cockerel isn't too sure about them, but he doesn't really bother them.

I'm glad we picked him. He doesn't hesitate to keep the girls safe. He dances for them, instead of just hopping on their backs without warning, and he leaves them alone if they run away from him.

Now we just need an egg lol.
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