First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

These guys are 3-4 weeks old and enjoying their first day in the sun and wind. At first they were still all clumped up into a space the size of their brooder, but they've gotten braver and spread out now to explore.


I've got Speckled Sussex, Sicilian Buttercups, EEs, Light Brahmas, Black Australorps, and white Silkies in this group.
hello I jus got new baby chicks this past weekend this is a first for me any advice would be great
Umm... If any of them start looking lethargic, provide them with some sugar water, and socialization is key! If you have unfriendly chicks, you'll have unfriendly hens :)
These guys are 3-4 weeks old and enjoying their first day in the sun and wind. At first they were still all clumped up into a space the size of their brooder, but they've gotten braver and spread out now to explore.

I've got Speckled Sussex, Sicilian Buttercups, EEs, Light Brahmas, Black Australorps, and white Silkies in this group.

what a good looking crew! i have a question... do your black australorps have muffs/cheeks? the reason i ask is i got a "mystery chick" meyer's meal maker and everything about it says it's a black australorp EXCEPT it has little fuzzy cheeks like an EE. Of course I've been searching pictures online but it's hard to tell with black chicks. Mine are approx 3 weeks also.
what a good looking crew! i have a question... do your black australorps have muffs/cheeks?  the reason i ask is i got a "mystery chick" meyer's meal maker and everything about it says it's a black australorp EXCEPT it has little fuzzy cheeks like an EE.  Of course I've been searching pictures online but it's hard to tell with black chicks.  Mine are approx 3 weeks also.

No, the BAs are smooth faced. EEs are pretty variable in color though. I have one that's all black except for rusty streaks down the feather shafts--she's gorgeous. Take some good pics of your chick and post them over on the "What Breed/Gender?" forum. They'll be able to give you an answer.
No, the BAs are smooth faced. EEs are pretty variable in color though. I have one that's all black except for rusty streaks down the feather shafts--she's gorgeous. Take some good pics of your chick and post them over on the "What Breed/Gender?" forum. They'll be able to give you an answer.

After reading this I'm checking my hatchery/feed store black australorp, 1wk old and she does appear to have puffy cheeks.... Our feed store is pretty knowledgeable and organized also... Now I'm confused
Glad to find this thread! We get our babies on April 20. Excited and nervous for sure! Ordered 10 mixed brown layers. I was told they'd all be pullets but after reading things on here I don't know how they can tell at a day old? I don't want any roosters. Fingers crossed!
hello I jus got new baby chicks this past weekend this is a first for me any advice would be great
Watch bottoms. If they get pasty, clean them immediately. Apple Cider Vinegar is your friend. I add this to my chick's water for the first two week, then once a week afterwards. I do this with my big girls too, keeps their systems in check. Have fun! Having chicks and chickens is a great time!
Upon closer inspection of my chicks and image googling it appears my trusty feed store mixed up the Amerucana chicks with the australorps? Maybe... And I just so happened to be getting one of each? I pulled them from the bins myself so I know which came from where
What color are the legs? Most hatcheries do not have true Ameraucanas, they have Easter Eggers.

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