First-time chicken owner -- day-olds arriving this week!


In the Brooder
Apr 14, 2019
Hi! We moved to central NY State last summer and are getting our very first day-old chicks within a week. I have an indoor room set up with the brooder and all necessary supplies and feel like an expectant mother...are the eggs laid yet, etc. Very excited! Also have questions about predator control once they are ready to go outside. My husband is building our coop from scratch, from designs found online. Even he is getting excited! I've read about lights specifically designed to keep predators away, but also saw that flashing Christmas lights and a transistor radio near the coop set to a talk-radio station can be just as effective. The thought of losing hens, whom I intend to keep as pets, breaks my heart. Any advice about that issue -- or anything else -- is most welcome! Thanks! Below are the copied questions that the moderator suggested I answer in way of introduction.

1. Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

Yes, new to everything chicken-keeping.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

Getting 8 day-old chicks via mail this week from

(3) What breeds do you have?

We will be getting 2 Orpingtons, 2 Austrolorps, 2 barred Plymouth Rocks, and 2 Speckled Sussexes. All pullets.

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?

Bonding with the babies, keeping them as pets, and enjoying their eggs.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?

I rescue cats and dogs, currently have an older dog and 9 sweet kitties. I intend on verrry slow introductions to all. I also play piano (especially ragtime and Mississippi delta blues), do mosaic and stained-glass window art designs, garden, and love my wine!

How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D

Found BYC through research on the Internet. Looks like a great place to get advice from those with lots of experience.
Welcome to BYC!​
Welcome to BYC.
:yesss: We are glad you joined this flock!
Jump right in and make yourself at home.

Avoid chicken wire at all costs.
Be sure to use 1/2 inch (or smaller) hardware cloth on your coop and run. I wouldn't rely on Christmas lights or a radio to keep hungry predators away if I were you.
This video will help you learn how to navigate this site:

Coop Ideas:
Chicken Coops.

What exactly did you Google to get here? <<<<<<<<<<<

BYC has an APP!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
There are lots of ways to make a secure coop and run. Use 1/2" hardware cloth to enclose all openings. Make sure all doors are secure with something that a toddler could not open. Install a 2' wide predator apron around the entire perimeter to keep out digging predators. Use hot wires if the predators you anticipate dealing with are large (black bear, coyote, roving dogs).
Good luck with your new adventure.
Welcome! :ya Know that unfortunately you will lose a bird or two one day. It may not even be as chicks, but just mentally prep yourself for that. I have always said that chickens are the easiest farm animal to keep, but the hardest to keep alive because everything eats them. Hawks, skunks, opossums, raccoons, fox, coyote, dog, etc. I have never had a problem with chicks, but always when they are finally grown up and officially outside. I have had my chickens die while free ranging and being fenced. It is possible to do as I have a hens ranging from 2 years old to 11 years old, so don't lose hope but be aware :)

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