First Time Egg Candler Scared!

Quote: Nope--I was born 3 days after Christmas. I hatched 3 days late, and have been procrastinating ever since
Nope--I was born 3 days after Christmas. I hatched 3 days late, and have been procrastinating ever since

Well, I only go by my first name, but I do know another Amy Lynn here in town, though her mom only intended her to go by her first name (kinda takes away The Power of the Middle Name if the child likes to be called by both all the time).
My last name is Campbell but Amy+Campbell is apparently a popular name so I can never use both first and last name together, for anything so I started using my middle name and most of the time I have to add numbers, so on most things I am In life only my ex best friend ever uses my middle name.
Hopefully you will. Here's the deal though, even if day 21 rolls around and no pips, there's not much you can do that is going to "save" the chicks. When someone goes in before a chick has even pipped will almost inevetibly end badly and here's why: The chick is not ready. The chick's vascular system between egg and chick does not shut down completely until HOURS after the chick has made the external pip. Trying to help before this process is complete, carries the probability of making the chick bleed out w/in a matter of a couple of minutes. Any chance that the chick had of hatching on it's own, (even if a bit late) is then taken away from it. We can't save them all, and a chick that hasn't even pipped seldom is going to survive an assist.
Thanks amy, hopefully when i get home from school tomorrow ill see some pups

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