first time goose owner

I have a nother question ,every time i go away just a meter from my gander he cries.He does not want to be alone.So i wanted to get him a companion for company,he is a Embden so i dont realy now wich breeds are compatible with them because we dont wont any babys so proably not a female Embden.And can a duck and a goose ba frends.hope you can help.
I have a nother question ,every time i go away just a meter from my gander he cries.He does not want to be alone.So i wanted to get him a companion for company,he is a Embden so i dont realy now wich breeds are compatible with them because we dont wont any babys so proably not a female Embden.And can a duck and a goose ba frends.hope you can help.

You dont want to get a duck because he will try to mate with the duck & may hurt it (geese have an external sexual organ, ducks do not). If you dont want to risk having any goslings, I would suggest you get another male goose (gander) - It doesnt even have to be another Embden, any breed of goose you'd like would do. I've read on here that having two males is perfectly ok - they only get aggressive towards each other if there is a female involved.

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