First Time Hatcher Hatch-A-Long

There is peeping! I am not sure which egg it is yet, but there is peeping. Do not panic. Ok slightly panic. (This evening is day 25 so def looks like it’ll be an early hatch). I’ve figured out how to “candle” from the side of the incubator but I can’t figure out which one has internally piped. But the peeping means 1 had to internally pip, right?!? At any rate-cleaning out and getting the brooder set up. Eek
There is peeping! I am not sure which egg it is yet, but there is peeping. Do not panic. Ok slightly panic. (This evening is day 25 so def looks like it’ll be an early hatch). I’ve figured out how to “candle” from the side of the incubator but I can’t figure out which one has internally piped. But the peeping means 1 had to internally pip, right?!? At any rate-cleaning out and getting the brooder set up. Eek

So exciting!

Looking forward to photos once the babies show up.
So exciting!

Looking forward to photos once the babies show up.
For sure! We’re so curious to see what they’ll look like! Mom-Rouen and Dad-Pekin (possibly white layer). I thought we had 2 Pekins but I think 1 may be a white layer? I’m really not sure the difference and they were all purchased from TSC as assorted ducks last year. It’s super exciting because we brought them home a year ago tomorrow.
For sure! We’re so curious to see what they’ll look like! Mom-Rouen and Dad-Pekin (possibly white layer). I thought we had 2 Pekins but I think 1 may be a white layer? I’m really not sure the difference and they were all purchased from TSC as assorted ducks last year. It’s super exciting because we brought them home a year ago tomorrow.

I keep going back and forth in re: getting ducks.

Managing their water sounds like a lot more trouble than I'm willing to handle right now, but we love roast duck. I *think* that if we get ducks we'd want Muscovies.
I keep going back and forth in re: getting ducks.

Managing their water sounds like a lot more trouble than I'm willing to handle right now, but we love roast duck. I *think* that if we get ducks we'd want Muscovies.
Honestly out of all of our animals (goats, chickens, and ducks) the ducks are the most annoying to take care of. Like you said-managing their water (but we also have a rain run off pond they use). They’re just messier and in our case more prone to predators. We’ve lost 2 in their (uncovered) run. I’ve heard others say ducks are friendlier but ours are kind of jerks 🤣we love them anyway
Honestly out of all of our animals (goats, chickens, and ducks) the ducks are the most annoying to take care of. Like you said-managing their water (but we also have a rain run off pond they use). They’re just messier and in our case more prone to predators. We’ve lost 2 in their (uncovered) run. I’ve heard others say ducks are friendlier but ours are kind of jerks 🤣we love them anyway

If this property had a pond we'd have certainly gotten ducks, but since it doesn't ....
If this property had a pond we'd have certainly gotten ducks, but since it doesn't ....
Yes, when we bought this house/property we had planned on chickens. My husband suggested goats to maintain it (Oye it was a mess when we moved in after being vacant for a year 🤦🏽‍♀️). Ducks were not even on our radar, and once we had been here about 6-7 months I started dreaming of ducks for the pond.

Figured out for sure which one was peeping 😉woke up to an external pip this morning. The other 3 eggs are still wiggling some but from what I can tell haven’t internally pipped yet. Charizard (my 8 year old helped name them the other day 🤣)seems to want to make an early escape.

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