First Time Hatcher Hatch-A-Long

I'm in! I set 18 shipped eggs (silkie and polish) last Thursday, but they got thrashed in shipping so I suspect most are not viable. After I candle and remove the duds tonight, planning to fill the open space in the incubator with Polish eggs from a local breeder that I picked up an assortment from the other day...some Blue, Buff, White, Chocolate, Silver Laced, Cuckoo, and a handful of Tolbunts :fl Batch one (if any) should hatch 3/3, and I'm looking forward to the Polish party 6 days later on the 9th.
Just finished candling, and 9 of the 18 in the first batch actually look great (including two cracked that I patched with wax) with nice embryos and veining and air cells are stabilized. Added 19 new polish eggs and incubator is officially full! I guess I better build a bigger brooder...
You have way more restraint than me! However I have found candling in the evening is better (because we don’t have light peeking in through the window and so we can see more). Good luck! 🤞

That's a good point. I can make the laundry room quite dark in the evening, but not in the daytime.

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