first time hatching indian runner ducks (and ducks in general)



Oct 10, 2018
northern Italy
so, a few days ago i hatched my first ever toulose goose (, i am building a pen for waterfowl and i wanted to add a few indian runners as well :) so i went ahead and ordered 8 indian runner eggs from a very reliable farm here where i live. They are shipped eggs and will arrive tomorrow. I just finished disinfecting my bator with bleach, and now i have a few questions for you all :)

1- how long should i let the eggs sit after they arrive?
2- should they sit in the incubator's room or do they need some special temperature and humidity?
3- should i cool eggs and mist them? i heard so much conflicting information, my bator's instructions say 20 minutes of cooling every day until lockdown from day 10, and misting only after the eggs have cooled down. Is that correct/good?

thanks in advance for anyone who will answer :)
I can't wrap my head around the whole cooling and misting stuff so I just don't agree with it.

It obviously worked for your one goose egg though.

I think you should split the eggs up in two batches.
Mist and cool half and don't do it to the other half and see what happens.
I love a good experiment.
well, that would be hard since i have no way of not cooling half of them (to cool them i just take the lid off), but what i could try is not cooling and misting all of them, to see if we get some improvements compared to the goose eggs? :)
well, that would be hard since i have no way of not cooling half of them (to cool them i just take the lid off), but what i could try is not cooling and misting all of them, to see if we get some improvements compared to the goose eggs? :)
When you cool...why not pull a few out for that step and them put them back in?
i don't know, i feel like moving them every day would compromise them, which not only would be bad, but it would invalidate the experiment heheh
Nah... movement is ok.
Just be gentle.
I move my eggs a million times a day. I am a candle freak.
I must check them daily.

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