First time hatching

Thats what i thought but the egg look otherwise clear and the spot appeared to be on the yolk, no veins or anything, could it have started but not developed? Or could that be a blood spot?

Yes that could be right too. How bright is your candler?

You can probably tell if it looks way behind the others.
Yes that could be right too. How bright is your candler?

You can probably tell if it looks way behind the others.

Quite bright, i can see all the others very well, this one is nowhere near the others, just looks like a fresh egg with a black spot. Strange, for sure.
So my chicks are locked down, its been a long 3 weeks, candled all 13, they all look pretty full, air pockets consistent, cant wait till Friday
I am on day 19. 2 pipped eggs, lots of talking going on, maybe 1 or 2 behind the others 10 eggs. barnyard surprise eggs from a neighbor.
So my chicks are locked down, its been a long 3 weeks, candled all 13, they all look pretty full, air pockets consistent, cant wait till Friday

Nice! Good luck! :fl

I am on day 19. 2 pipped eggs, lots of talking going on, maybe 1 or 2 behind the others 10 eggs. barnyard surprise eggs from a neighbor.

Good luck to you too! :fl

Do you still have lav orps? Are they laying? My girls have been on strike for months. Finally getting a few eggs here and there from them. :/
I sold 2 LO last year, I still have one hen, but she is never fertile.

These are 4 from another farm, these hatched first.. the one below was not dry enough for the photo-op... (the blue dot is the shell it came from...
more pips on the way, and at least one dud. (there were 2)
waiting on 2 pipped eggs
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Im so excited, Just got home from work, i have 1 Chick, 1 Pip, and 1 Unzipping, my little one looks all yellow, hes still wet so he must have just got out recently.

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