first time having chickens need advice

Okay I let them loose inside the coop and they love the freedom. I put a 5 ft long 2x4 across the coop about 8 inches off the ground and then leaned an old tree limb against it and they are climbing up on it and jumping off lol. Im really confused because my barred rocks are extremely friendly while my buff orpingtons run away from me and are skidish . I thought both breeds were suppose to be friendly.
Okay I let them loose inside the coop and they love the freedom. I put a 5 ft long 2x4 across the coop about 8 inches off the ground and then leaned an old tree limb against it and they are climbing up on it and jumping off lol. Im really confused because my barred rocks are extremely friendly while my buff orpingtons run away from me and are skidish . I thought both breeds were suppose to be friendly.

What about feeding time this is when you will need to watch out
as they will soon be right under foot and you will need to be careful
not to steep on them .....
10 full grown chickens will eat about a bag and a half per month.

You must have a lot of grass and weeds for then to eat then ...

I use 5 bags of corn 2 bags of compressed alpha 3 bags of
Turkey Grow 2 bags of lay crumble and 2 bags of 3 way
each and every month

7 Geese

4 Ducks

3 Guinea

37 Chickens

That's according to the "They say." They say a chicken eats 4 oz per day.
10 x .25 lbs = 2.5 lbs day x 30 = 75 lbs
But yeah, my tropical chickens have lots more forage to munch than your Death Valley chickens do! :)
Quote: That's according to the "They say." They say a chicken eats 4 oz per day.
10 x .25 lbs = 2.5 lbs day x 30 = 75 lbs
But yeah, my tropical chickens have lots more forage to munch than your Death Valley chickens do!

I don't know about 4 oz a day but I o have to soak the feed in water for several hours to save on waste ....

Geese do eat a bit more then chickens do ...

that is true I have to feed them 100% but there are bugs and they do a great job at that .....

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