First time out of the pen


Flock Mistress
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Sep 6, 2007
Corydon, Indiana
I waited till a half hour before dark, and let them out on the lawn, and sat with them. OH what joy they were saying. New bugs, new things to taste. Love it.
You can let them outside for some supervised playtime in the day, but I would still be having week old chicks come inside at night. I presume the 70s is during the day? If they huddle up, you will know they are cold.

Stray cats, and rats, possoms, ect. will make an easy meal of a week old chick.
Thanks. Yes, it's 70 during the day. I'd be afraid to leave them outside at night. I'm going to keep them in the classroom for right now.

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