First time Scovie mom!and 21 babies! ****PICTURES POST 15 *****


I Am THE Crazy Duck Lady
11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
So mama had her babies offf the nest today and I was able to get them. I let her keep three but took the rest out. She had a 100% hatch rate but it looks like the ducklings started eating on of the pips... so it didnt make it.

but 21!!!! YAY!!!

Ill have pictures up as soon as I can get them loade don the comp. I have camera and cord so i just have to wait for them to load .
Mom and dad :




And I think some of the eggs are from my white hen - she might have slipped some in there, lol.
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ohmygeeee.... Im hearing some suspicious noises coming from the nest!!! I have made a stall around her and added all the necessary feed for her and the little bits as well as a large bucket of water for mom and a couple small, shallow bowls for the ducklings
im hoping my ears arent decieiving me and they are hatching early!!
Il get some pictures as soon as I see the little ones! Im going to check in the morning , but I wont be home till late tommorrow night

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