First time Scovie mom!and 21 babies! ****PICTURES POST 15 *****

There were 11 eggs last time I was able to get a glimpse and count them. We want babies!!!!
I have another mama startin a nest


Ok, I need advice. So this morning I saw a bit of what looked like a partly eaten egg in Momma Duck's coop. (This is the momma duck who's been sitting F-O-R-E-V-E-R it seems, I thought hatch day would be a week ago Monday, May 3rd!!!) I was actually there this afternoon when she decided to get up and stretch her legs, and was able to look at the eggs and count them. She started with 11, there are only 8 there now. There was also a bit of a newer eaten egg at this time, later in the day. The eggs that were "eaten" were yolky, no evidence of ducklings from them. The ducks in the nest were not damaged, pipped, long will this go on???? She went back to sit again, so I'm assuming that means there is some hope? She is in a coop all to herself that we need for chicks that are 7 wks old now. I just don't know what to do. I figure I just leave her until she abandons the nest, right? ...........sigh. Any advice is welcome. PLEASE!!! Thanks!!!​
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Do you smell anything weird? It sounds to me like you have a bunch of dud eggs. The "eaten ones couldbe bad eggs that mama has tossed out or that have exploded.

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