First time Scovie mom!and 21 babies! ****PICTURES POST 15 *****

First times are always exciting! it sounds like you are all set. I personally have a bucket of fresh water for mom and her own feed ( corn and treats ) in a seperate bowl since the ducklings will make anything they can get into MESSY with in moments.

Id leave them and mama in the coop with the door shut as long as they have room to stretch their legs.

Ducklings can be sold as soon as they are dry and fluffy. I sell mine as day olds and up, just make sure that the buyer knows they still need a heat lamp since mama is gone and they know how to care for ducklings as they grow ( drowning in water bowls, drinking water present at all times, feed type, etc. )

I will change out the momma's food tomorrow into a deeper bowl. Hadn't thought of that!
Just make sure the little ones cant get in! Ive almost lost a few to the cold of the water or drowning when I first started out. And remember that unlike other ducklings the scovie ducklings will want to perch on the rim of the bowl, so as long as mama's bowl ( or vucket if it will fit in ) is out of reach of those jumping fools you should be fine

Not sure how your hen will do, but mine hissed at me anytime I was even near her! Now, she let me sit right next to her when I came in for a visit but with a close eye on me and feathers raised, Ready to pinch me! I picked her up quick when it was time to take the babies and turned her around so she couldnt see my sister get the babies into a small dog carrier (
). I left her with three though, so since she did such a good job. Just remember that scovies are a breed of their own.
Those black rubber bowls work well with ducklings around. When they jump in they can easily get back out because the rubber has enough texture that they can get their claws in. I freaked out the first time I saw some 3 day olds swimming the the black rubber bowl then watched as they just bounced out when they were ready. Sooo, fm now on it's black rubber bowls in the duckhouses w/babies.
Thanks for all the tips! I've place mom's food and water buckets up on top of a 4" post that is lying on it's side. Each bowl has about a 6" high side. Do you think that is high enough that they won't get in? ducklings water bowl is only about 2" deep and I put in rocks around the edges so they can push off of something to get out if needed. Haven't been down the the coops yet this morning, just getting the kids out the door to school!
Mine came four days late of my estimated hatch date.

Whats funny is I found a scovie egg in with mama and her three ducklings today! I dont know if it was her, or one of my three other hens who like to be nosy. They hop in with her sometimes and have been searching everywhere for nests.
OK, I'm stumped. No babies yet, and she's still sitting. Won't let me near the eggs. Do I just keep waiting?!?! Tomorrow makes a week later than I expected for hatch day!! And no sign of them yet!!! Arrrggghhhh!!! Any ideas or advice is much appreciated.
My mama was a week late on hers. SHe still hisses at me any time I go by her and her three remaining babies. Id give her some time. The only way I even knew she had them under her is I walked in on her standing up in the nest with three hatched and two eggs rocking away with pips.

There were 21 of them. One was killed by my grandma's dog yesterday, i left three with the mama and sold the rest.

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