First time with babies


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 16, 2014

We just picked them up today. They should all be hens but we'll see. Now we must fix our coop. Round 1 with adults didn't go quite as planned.

We just picked them up today. They should all be hens but we'll see. Now we must fix our coop. Round 1 with adults didn't go quite as planned.

Alright nice box but they are going to out grow it in a couple of days so you should
be looking for a bigger box or stick a couple together and cut out door ways for
them to move around .....

See how the water is up on a board to help keep it clean ...

Do you see how much room they have and there is 16
chicks in there at two weeks of age ....

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Thank you. Yes we'll be putting them in a bigger box. This is just for yesterday and today while at my moms house. When we get home accommodations will be much nicer!
I have 1 roo and 19 pullets, they are about 7-8 weeks old. They are outside in the new coop and run. I went and got 4 silkies about 2 weeks ago they are still inside. How soon can they be introduced. Btw, of the 20 ;;;; 1 wydanotte roo 6 brahmas, 4 australorps, 4 rir, 6 new hamps. And I think one of the silkies is a roo
Temporary set up...I can see this is too small but better than the box.


I need a bigger shelf for the water too...

Bigger water plate...changed the platform. ..thats all I could find for now. Any suggestions for a bigger brooder? This tub won't last long.

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