Harley Chick

6 Years
Apr 4, 2018
Unionville TN
Hello :frow wanted to jump right in! I will soon to be the proud mother of 6 polish eggs. Hoping to receive Khaki & Cuckoo colors? I have a broody hen right now, her name is Stella, she is a Golden Laced Wyandotte, fat and sassy and if memory serves me 2 seasons old. Never in my wildest dreams would I think I'd be hatching chicks. Chicken math is a mother, started with 4 girls a few years back we are now up to 16 :lau AND here I am trying to add 6 more :thumbsupBut here me is, all giddy but nervous and fearful! I have so many "what if's" running through my head!!!!
Eggs arrived in mail today!!!!! Since I'm a newby what do I do first? Should I candle them? I know I'm suppose to let them sit for 24hrs little side down, correct?
WAIT! You can't candle them for the first 24 hours. It takes them a few days to see if there is a baby or not
I have a broody with 13 day eggs. This is her 3rd time and I have always left her in the coop with her flock to sit and hatch her babies. I know some people immediately move their hen, but honestly it has worked out great for chick integration after hatch. The rest of my flock pretty much leaves her alone, although occasionally another hen will lay her egg in the broody nest, so make sure you mark all of the ones you give her. Some broodies don’t like to be moved, and the confusion about the nest site can break their broodiness. It all depends on your hen, sometimes the move works great, other times they freak out looking for their nest. Hope things go smoothly for you!!

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