Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

Where did you purchase the mollies? I never had any luck keeping mollies unless I had some salt in the water.
Ok thanks. Mine is a 7 inch and hers is a 4 inch, are they considered adults then?
I have kept several together before that were slightly smaller and they wanted nothing to do with each other. they were peaceful. Unfortunately I had one of those stupid frogs you buy at the mall. and it ate one of them. it actually ate a lot. He got my favorite ghost shrimp. I ended up giving that evil frog away. where he lived alone for years then one day bloated up stopped eating and died.

i lost my other pleco during a six day power outage. everything in that tank froze except my shark. it was terrible. i have had such bad luck that way. except that shark, he just keeps on growing.

Here's my tank :)
Its a 55 gallon, and just got its new residents yesterday! 6 green tiger barbs, 6 platys and 2 clown loaches are happily swimming away. We moved a few months ago and I gave pretty much all of my other tanks away, and the folks that bought our house are enjoying the beautiful koi pond that was once mine (really miss my koi, I'd had some of them nearly 10 years :( ). My 40 and 20 gallon tanks were given to family members. All I kept was my 55 and a 15. I'm thinking about turning the 15 gallon into a guppy tank, it last held a tarantula, who died a few months ago. We had her 7 years!
Anyway, I'm happy to have fish again and everyone's tanks are wonderful!
My real plants are supposed to arrive today, which is exciting. I mostly kept golfish before, besides that small guppy tank and they would shred any plants I put in their tanks, so I'm looking forward to having a beautiful planted tank!
Petsmart. I did have salt in the water! And now two of the little fish have died.
Too much salt can sometimes end up hurting instead of helping. I only add a small amount of salt during water changes. what kind of salt? strangely that matters. My mollies lasted forever. with the minimal amount of salt.
I'm jealous of you guys! I used to have a 55 gallon tank but since I've started school I really didn't have the time to continue it's upkeep. However, I do still have a 10 gallon tank, nothing fancy, but it's still a fish tank! It has a few mollies and I have it decorated to the max. I also have a 2.5 gallon betta tank with a male and female couple living together. The male has been busy working on building the ultimate bubble nest so there could possibly be some baby bettas in the future
I had the recommended amount for the tank in! Just freshwater salt, I guess.....

Okay, so now I'm confused. I had those mollies die, and then I bought two female bettas, and a catfish to go in there. A little Cory catfish. The Cory died after about a week. It had this weird red blotch on it...!?!?! And now one of the female bettas turned up dead. And a Danio that is 2 months old has died. !?!?!?! What am I doing wrong?! Should I take the water in to be tested?! Also, these fish never showed any signs of being sick before upping and dying. :/

On a brighter note, my fantail goldfish are doing AWESOME!!! So happy and healthy!
Woo Hoo - a fish thread too? It just doesn't get much better than a place to talk chickens, horses AND fish, lol. We are a family cursed with hereditary MTS (Multiple Tank Syndrome) - so there hasn't been a time since I was five that I haven't had at least one tank up and running (topped out at twelve as our highest number of tanks). At the moment, we have four - both kids have a 75 gallon that is their 4-H tank, we have a 29 gallon that is used by either of them (or me) for a grow out or spawning tank for anything we breed, and I have a 125 gallon.
My daughter has a lovely community of congos, giant danios, German rams, bristelnose plecos and ........well, the rest is escaping me at the moment. My son has freshwater angels and a big ol' common pleco. My tank is set up as a rainbow fish community with assorted rainbows, a group of denisoniis, and German rams. My daughter has successfully spawned, raised and sold enough bristlenose lately to cover our fish keeping expenses and then some (have a nice credit at our favorite fish store) - and now we're focused on getting a successful spawn or two from the angels for my son before fair time. The last three years they've taken Grand and Reserve Grand in aquatic science (basically taking turns on who comes out on top), so they get into their fish keeping, lol. Need to get both their projects out of the way so I can get back to working on my rainbow breeding once we get past fair for the year.
My household has acquired another tank. My daughter wanted a(nother, she has a rabbit) pet. I thought something fairly low maintenance would be best, so she now has her very own betta. My mom donated a nice little 2.5 gallon tank and a filter and I went and picked him up while she was at school yesterday. I think I could have a betta in every room, seriously!
I had the recommended amount for the tank in! Just freshwater salt, I guess.....

Okay, so now I'm confused. I had those mollies die, and then I bought two female bettas, and a catfish to go in there. A little Cory catfish. The Cory died after about a week. It had this weird red blotch on it...!?!?! And now one of the female bettas turned up dead. And a Danio that is 2 months old has died. !?!?!?! What am I doing wrong?! Should I take the water in to be tested?! Also, these fish never showed any signs of being sick before upping and dying. :/

On a brighter note, my fantail goldfish are doing AWESOME!!! So happy and healthy!
Definitely get the water tested. From the sounds of the cory's red blotch, it could be ammonia poisoning. How often do you change the water? Cories are a lot more sensitive to water conditions than mollies because cories are scaleless. For now, I would suggest that you do a 50% water change on the tank.

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