Five-month old Australorp suddenly lame. Update: Now another pullet going lame!

I just spoke with Dr Niles from the state lab. His findings are pointing to either lymphoma from lymphoid leucosis (LL) or Marek's. He found enlarged kidneys, which points to LL, but he sent tissue samples off the their pathology lab for further testing to try to pin-point what this is. (My flock has previously been diagnosed as carrying LL)
Is lymphoid leukosis contagious?
My flock has been carrying lymphoid leucosis for years. Most chickens become resistant to it. It's extremely contagious. It's transmitted every which way to Sunday. So far, the only real casualties have been chickens that were infected vertically, as they hatched within my flock. This would be a first if this pullet had it. I'm hoping it is LL since I know how to deal with it. Marek's, not so much.

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