Fixing Wry Neck?


Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 22, 2009
Long story short I have a gosling with a case of wry neck. I started it on electrolytes already. It's doing better but still can't walk properly. Anything else I can do for him?
Thanks Celtic I picked up some Poultry Vitamins and I'm hoping for the best
I was afraid that would be the case. So far he hasn't improved any but I'm going to pick up some Vitamin E to add to the current regimen
Thanks GB! My gosling looks just like this in the neck region:

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Wow, I never gave much thought about the muscle development that was needed in holding their head up, but hopefully the extra vitamins work, especially since the little guy is going to have a looong neck!
I honestly didn't either. This year has been full of medical "surprises" for me but I'm trying to make the best of it and learn from them for future reference.
wry neck is very common is silkie chickens- I can't recall the full regimen given - I know it included the poly vi sol infant vitamins NO IRON formula, drops from a Vit.E capsule etc. If you search wry neck I'm sertain you'll find a ton of info and treatments. Some cases have responded to prednisone injections.

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