Flavored Oatmeal?


Roo Magnet
10 Years
Mar 29, 2009
Very cold tonight, and I wanted to cook the girls some oatmeal in the morning, but all I seem to have is instant with fruit (and I think some sweetening). I know sugar is a no no for them, but is a little ok?Any input would be greatly appreciated!
I'd use it. It's not like you're planning on feeding them a ton of it daily so go ahead and give them a treat then pick up the regular stuff next time you go shopping. Mine like it if I mix in some of their food and a little scratch and/or BOSS, somtimes I put yogurt in it too. Come to think of it I make chicken oatmeal the same way I do stew, a little bit of whatever is handy and sounds good at the time.

It's down to 11 here already so the crew will all be getting hot breakfast tomorrow. So much for the mild PNW climate.
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It has been ridiculously cold here,too. Wid gusts up to 65 mph-brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

I do have to go to the market tomarrow, so I will get some proper oatmeal for the sweet girls then.

Thnaks for the feedback!
Great question to ask, thanks! I was going to make the same kind of oatmeal for all of my girls (2 daughters, 8 pullets) tomorrow morning and was curious about that too. Poor chickens. They have never felt it this cold and probably never will again most likely lol. No suprise they haven't started laying yet.
I take some oatmeal and their layer pellets, some frozen mixed veggies <peas and carrots etc>, some alfalfa grass and mix it all together in hot water. Once its cool enough to touch I take it out to them. It's gone in a flash!!

I soak the alfalfa cubes in hot water...all it is is compressed little blocks of alfalfa hay in little strands....and then add the alfalfa and the hot water to the oats/corn/layer pellets and mix it all up really good. Add in some more hot water if needed and there you go!

Oh, and I add a banana on the side cos the girls are spoiled rotten and love the nanners
I mix mine with apples, carrots, sweet potatoes, scratch, etc. Whatever is around. Add some scrambled eggs, leftover scraps. They love it. When they see me coming with the pot the run, fly, yell yipee, the whole nine yards. Very funny to watch!

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