Float Testing, Checking Egg Viability For Late Or Overdue Hatching

Yes. The others have all hatched. And I MIGHT have seen it move in the water. But it was so slight I'm not sure. The other baby duck is very attentive to it. Sleeps against it and sits on it.

if it were me (complete newbie and duck virgin) then I would leave it until the final day that it may hatch, then open up the air bubble. either you will have a dud or you will be helping a live one to survive. if you can candle it first. just go step by step through your options until there are none left, maybe float it again; then open it up when you have exhausted all other possibilities.
if nothing else you will learn something ie this is what a dud looks like or this is what they look like still born (dead fully grown), so on and so forth. hopefully you will see movement and be in a position to help the little blighter out.
float testing is best explained by big daddy, he has done so on here a few times.
my take is to always open up the duds when new to this as you will learn something, even if it is just how a nasty egg smells. it is all education and education s good for the future.
for instance it may nudge you to open the eggs earlier in the process in case they have suffocated.
so no matter what I would take a look at what is in it, unless a weary new chick pops out soon.
good luck, I hope you have a live one.
Hello. I have a broody hen that is sitting on seven eggs.....It is day #13 today....some of the eggs are not looking to good...very dirty and nasty looking...she has some chicken poop on them...can they be washed a bit or would that not be a good thing to do...also can I use this floater test on day 13 ...to see if any of the eggs have embryos in? Thanks......
Hello. I have a broody hen that is sitting on seven eggs.....It is day #13 today....some of the eggs are not looking to good...very dirty and nasty looking...she has some chicken poop on them...can they be washed a bit or would that not be a good thing to do...also can I use this floater test on day 13 ...to see if any of the eggs have embryos in? Thanks......
I would not float 13 day old eggs or wash them. They have a natural bloom that protects them from dirt and by washing or floating you remove this bloom. I'd candle those if you're wondering if they're fertile and alive.
I would not float 13 day old eggs or wash them. They have a natural bloom that protects them from dirt and by washing or floating you remove this bloom. I'd candle those if you're wondering if they're fertile and alive.

X2! There is nothing to be gained by floating eggs till they are late. But you can surely do them harm!
Quail eggs on 21 days still moving when floating them. Should i wait longer or assist hatch, only floated on day 20 to check viables. Thanks

whatever you do, don't rush them. give them plenty of time to do what they do naturally.
caesarean really is a last resort thing. have they pipped? if so keep a close eye on them.
good fortune with your clutch of eggs, I hope you get lots and lots of babies.
X2! There is nothing to be gained by floating eggs till they are late. But you can surely do them harm!

hi Daddy,
what is your take on sprinkling goose eggs with water during the incubation period. I have read that up to 15 days you sprinkle, then from day 15 onward you dunk them. have you ever done geese and if so what would you recommend? spray/no spray, dip/no dip?
To tell you true, I have never hatched the first waterfowl egg.... Iove to watch Ducks and geese, hunted them fanatically when I wore a younger man's clothes.... Just never got around to raise'n any..
hi Daddy,
what is your take on sprinkling goose eggs with water during the incubation period. I have read that up to 15 days you sprinkle, then from day 15 onward you dunk them. have you ever done geese and if so what would you recommend? spray/no spray, dip/no dip?
I raise ducks and have for several years. Some people mist, some dont. It all depends on your humidity and preferences. I do not mist mine but I have issues getting my humidity low enough in my incubator.
They claim it helps the eggs dehydrate faster in some cases when they get misted but it has not helped in my case.

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