Flock/Life Journey's 2019

The Boys. Or the whole rooster / cockerel dilemma :rolleyes:
So. I have 4 large fowl cockerels (one may be a rooster, I’m not sure of his age :)). Pandora, an Easter Egger, Mercury, a Brahma mix, Pedro, a RIRXWL, and Napoleon, a RSLXRIR. Pedro and Napoleon made friends after I separated the pullets and they are in their own separate coop. Pandora and Mercury have 8 laying pullets, and 2 non-laying pullets. 10 girls, not enough! Between the two, I’m going to have issues soon. Mom likes Mercury the best. She thinks Pandora is just... hmmm, she thinks he just exists. She doesn’t care for him too much, BUT I DO!! :barnie

Now comes the question... do I suck it up and rehome all but one of the boys or do I make a small flock of 3 boys (one will stay with the girls)? What would you do? They’re all so sweet and never flighty. :love

Now for the fun part, PICTURES! :celebrate
Pandora. The Easter Egger. Personality-wise he’s a total sweetheart
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Mercury. The Brahma mix. He likes humans, but is weary of cats and dogs when near his hens. I like him, he respects me.
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Pedro and Napoleon. Pedro is the mostly white cockerel and Napoleon is the mostly red cockerel. These boys are the literal definition of human-snuggling boys :love These two will always hold a special place in my heart. (Not the best pic, I know).
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Thanks for reading my long post. :D

They are all really beautiful but im with your mum Mercury is gorgeous!

You need to ask yourself 2 things.
Are you going to utilise the other 3 boys? For Breeding or Protecting the flock honey?
If you aren't going to utilise them :confused:id probably rehome them honey. I know its hard but would they be happy with all boys and no ladies?
Ok, here’s the long story, shortened. We currently live in town with a no chicken law. My 91 year old Mother lives with us and has cancer, we can’t move. Dear husband says when we can move () we will move to country and I can have my chickens ... ect (shhhh) Trust me there will be lots of pictures when I finally get my chickens .

Cancer. Ohhh noooo :th
I can't wait to see your chicken journey love and follow with you. :pop:love
Flock Update:
My girls were using the cup water feeders this morning. Im not sure they have figured out yet how they get the water to come out but I showed them again. So hopefully they start working it out or if they are thirsty enough they will peck around in there and get it.
Im out at the moment but will check them when I get home.

Hazel laid again today the darling. :love
I do have a favorite. Her name is Hazel. I orginally got 8 pullets that were 2 weeks old. At about 5 or 6 weeks old 5 went missing. Then I kept them in for awhile then 1 on another day then another one on another day until it was only Hazel alone. So I got chicks again and started over but Hazel was with me and my partner more and more. When something happened now or they are scared of something she runs to the front door and gets me and my partner to help. Its really cute. She lets you pick her up and cuddle her and rub her face around her beak. She comes and stands next to you until you put her on your lap. And when I call Hazel she comes. But she can have her little attitude. She lays everyday. The first day she laid our dog got hit by a car and unfortunately he didn't make it. My partner and I were devastated. We were both crying and I said im going to check my chickens so anyways she had laid me an egg that day. It cheered me up. These are the reasons shes my favorite.
View attachment 1644573 Update! It’s 1140pm here. Just moved the most recent hatchees to the “hot box” as I call it.
Took the chance to check the last eggs, 3 are still kicking, pipped and just resting by the looks, may have assisted a little. Last one looks like it’s died, i can see it’s beak but there’s no response when I touch it. So we shall see how these last 3 do over night and I’ll update you in the morning!

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