Flock/Life Journey's 2019

Awww:( we just had a vet visit like that... our girl Raven is about 10yrs old, vet ended up lancing an abscess, did test on her eyes and found her goong blind in both which is scaring her so she's very jumpy around us now, and she was diagnosed with doggie dementia... so she is slowly forgetting who we are :hit vet says I'll have to make that call when it gets worse as it could become a dangerous situation with the kids and her. I bawled.
That is SO sad :(... :hugs
Hi my name is kim
im from Victoria i have 3 beautiful children and we recently got 2 silkie chicks in early march still unsure of their sex but they are such funny affectionate little things im still learning as is everyone around me now lol i have my dog separate from our chickens cos im petrified they will get hurt does anyone have large dogs with theirs also does anyone think i have hens or roosters...i coloured them safely with food colouring btw
sorry can't like that Mystic UniKitty - had a female dog that lost her vision to PRA, she was getting hysterical - afraid of any sounds, of people approaching her until she got their scent. It just came on so fast.

It is seriously breaking my heart watching our amazing girl go through this... i have started talking so she can listen to me. :hugsSorry you went through that too
Hi my name is kim
im from Victoria i have 3 beautiful children and we recently got 2 silkie chicks in early march still unsure of their sex but they are such funny affectionate little things im still learning as is everyone around me now lol i have my dog separate from our chickens cos im petrified they will get hurt does anyone have large dogs with theirs also does anyone think i have hens or roosters...i coloured them safely with food colouring btw View attachment 1848676 :)

Welcome Kim!! Silkies are hard for me to tell. But I'm sure someone on here will know!

I'm mystic or Monica... even "hey you" :gig i have 3 kiddos too... all boys. We are in texas. I have currently 18 chickens (number goes up and down)
We are on a farm and my neighbors Great Pyrenees come over and herd my birds All. The. Time! Never mean to them but they grew up around chickens, my neighbor has 10. My city girl dog is slowing down ,so though i babysat her like a hawk for first 3 weeks, she's a shepherd mix and respects commands eagerly. If your dog hasn't been around chickens i would keep them separate by a run and free range when you can watch them :D
Hi my name is kim
im from Victoria i have 3 beautiful children and we recently got 2 silkie chicks in early march still unsure of their sex but they are such funny affectionate little things im still learning as is everyone around me now lol i have my dog separate from our chickens cos im petrified they will get hurt does anyone have large dogs with theirs also does anyone think i have hens or roosters...i coloured them safely with food colouring btw View attachment 1848676 :)
The green silkie is a pullet, the Orange silkie is a cockerel...
Welcome Kim!! Silkies are hard for me to tell. But I'm sure someone on here will know!

I'm mystic or Monica... even "hey you" :gig i have 3 kiddos too... all boys. We are in texas. I have currently 18 chickens (number goes up and down)
We are on a farm and my neighbors Great Pyrenees come over and herd my birds All. The. Time! Never mean to them but they grew up around chickens, my neighbor has 10. My city girl dog is slowing down ,so though i babysat her like a hawk for first 3 weeks, she's a shepherd mix and respects commands eagerly. If your dog hasn't been around chickens i would keep them separate by a run and free range when you can watch them :D
Never around chickens just a galah lol i have a 1 boy and 2 girls the chicken interest is mine but kids are a great excuse :) i have a coop in a 2 by 4 meter run they are somewhat freerange.... i know when nugget was only 6 weeks old my dog got in when the kuds had them out she picked him up and i yelled she immediately placed him down then he ran towards the dog she ran lol ive had them seperated since im scared ill lose 1 :)

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